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Kortabarria ★

duela  urte 1, 10 hilabete(e)an batu zen

Saiakera politikoak eta historikoak irakurtzen ditut batez ere, baita eleberriren bat ere noizbehinka (oso noizbehinka jaja).

Euskaldun jaio, euskaldun bizi, euskaldun hil. ❤️💚

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Kortabarria ★(r)en liburuak

Irakurtzeko (12 guztiak ikusi)

Irakurtzeari utzita

2025 urteko irakurketa-helburua

6% osatuta! Kortabarria ★(e)k 30 liburutik 2 irakurri ditu.

aipatu zuen Chantal Mouffe(r)en On the political

Chantal Mouffe: On the political (Paperback, Ingelera language, Routledge) 4 izar

Since September 11th, we frequently hear that political differences should be put the real struggle …

[...] right-wing populist discourse, which is replacing the weakened left/right opposition by a new type of we/they constructed around an opposition between 'the people' and 'the stablishment'. Contrary to those who believe that politics can be reduced to individual motivations, the new populists are well aware that politics always consists in the creation of a 'we' versus a 'they' and that it requires the creation of collective identities.

On the political,   (70. orria)