Duela gutxi Gales bisitatu dut, eta herri haren historia hurbila eta politika hobeto ezagutzeko beharra sentitu dut. Izan ere nahiko ezezaguna da herri galestarraren egoera eta borroka, Euskal Herriaren antza handia daukan arren. Beraz, galestarren 60ko eta 70eko hamarkadetako borrokak eta politika azaltzen dituen klasiko hau aurkitu dut, ea nire jakinmina asetzen laguntzen nauen.
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Saiakera politikoak eta historikoak irakurtzen ditut batez ere, baita eleberriren bat ere noizbehinka (oso noizbehinka jaja).
Euskaldun jaio, euskaldun bizi, euskaldun hil. ❤️💚
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Kortabarria ★ rated Hands off Wales: 4 stars
Hands off Wales by Wyn Thomas
This paperback edition of Hands Off Wales addresses the campaign of militant activism which Wales witnessed between 1963 and 1969. …
Kortabarria ★ started reading Hands off Wales by Wyn Thomas
Hands off Wales by Wyn Thomas
This paperback edition of Hands Off Wales addresses the campaign of militant activism which Wales witnessed between 1963 and 1969. …
El origen de la familia, la propiedad privada y el Estado by Friedrich Engels
Obra concebida desde y para la lucha ideológica y política, “El origen de la familia, la propiedad privada y el …
El origen de la familia, la propiedad privada y el Estado by Friedrich Engels
Obra concebida desde y para la lucha ideológica y política, “El origen de la familia, la propiedad privada y el …
Kortabarria ★ rated Nazio euskaldunaren atarramendua: 4 stars
Nazio euskaldunaren atarramendua by Joxe Manuel Odriozola Lizarribar
Zer egin horrelakoetan? Zer egin nazio dominatzaileak nazio dominatuaren ezaugarri nazionalak errotik erauzi dizkizunean? Zer egin nazio hizkuntzarik gabe? Zer …
Kortabarria ★ quoted The Welsh extremist by Ned Thomas
It seems to me that industrial South Wales has suffered a double wound – the sheer hardship of the years of unemployment; and added to this the loss of the language and all that it contained in the way of spiritual resources with which to meet that suffering. There is a humiliation in losing your language as there is in the indignity of the means test, and though it may seem a secondary kind of humiliation, it can leave a mark that lasts a long time.
— The Welsh extremist by Ned Thomas (Page 100)
Kortabarria ★ quoted The Welsh extremist by Ned Thomas
When I discuss Welsh nationalism with Englishmen I often find myself caught up in a kind of sixth-form debate about constitutions and boundaries and customs unions. If devolution comes about, these things will be important, but they are not the starting point, they are not the source of the deepest and most passionate feeling. [...] People do not talk of dying for Wales (and there are young Welshmen who use these phrases) because of a vision of a Welsh parliament in Cardiff or for the emblems of prestige that go with official nationhood, but because they see a language and a culture and an identity being wiped off the map of the world, and no longer believe that the forms of British democracy can be used to prevent this.
— The Welsh extremist by Ned Thomas (Page 8)
Kortabarria ★ started reading The Welsh extremist by Ned Thomas
Kortabarria ★ rated The Future of Wales: 3 stars
The Future of Wales by Rhys Thomas
Wales is a nation of contradictions. It boasts incredible natural resources and crushing poverty; fierce patriotism and a stark north/south …
Kortabarria ★ wants to read Prison Letters by John Jenkins
Prison Letters by John Jenkins
John Barnard Jenkins, in the late Sixties, masterminded the longest and most successful Welsh nationalist bombing campaign ever undertaken. He …
Kortabarria ★ rated Los vientos favorables: 5 stars
Los vientos favorables by José Antonio Etxebarrieta Ortiz
Los vientos favorables es un estudio redactado a finales de los años sesenta. Se trata de una visión de la …
Kortabarria ★ started reading Los vientos favorables by José Antonio Etxebarrieta Ortiz
Los vientos favorables by José Antonio Etxebarrieta Ortiz
Los vientos favorables es un estudio redactado a finales de los años sesenta. Se trata de una visión de la …
Kortabarria ★ started reading Palestina by Joe Sacco
[Euskal Herriaren eta espainiar zein frantziar estatuen] azkeneko berrehun urteak elkar ulertu ezinaren historia dira. Odoltsua eta krudela zenbaitetan, etengabeko sokatirakoa besteetan. Baina soka beti eurena zela. Nahi zutenean laxa, nahi zutenean estutu, edo nahi zutenean soka gorde eta jokoa zapuztu egiten zutela. Inoiz ez gara izan bi lehiakide edo solaskide osoak eta berdinak. Arazoaren gakoa hor dago.
— Hizkuntza, nazioa, estatua by Joxe Azurmendi (Page 114)