Jithendra (e)k J.R.R. Tolkien(r)en The Lord of the Rings (The Lord of the Rings, #1-3) liburuaren kritika egin du
LOTR opinion
5 izar
favorite novel of all time. better than any other fantasy world imo. Tolkein is a mastermind.
544 orrialde
English hizkuntza
1994ko abu. 7a(e)an Houghton Mifflin Company(e)n argitaratua.
In ancient times the Rings of Power were crafted by the Elven-smiths, and Sauron, the Dark Lord, forged the One Ring, filling it with his own power so that he could rule all others. But the One Ring was taken from him, and though he sought it throughout Middle-earth, it remained lost to him. After many ages it fell into the hands of Bilbo Baggins, as told in The Hobbit.
In a sleepy village in the Shire, young Frodo Baggins is faced with an immense task, as the elderly Bilbo entrusts the ring to his care. Frodo must make a perilous journey across Middle-earth to the Cracks of Doom, there to destroy the Ring and foil the Dark Lord in his evil purpose. --back cover
favorite novel of all time. better than any other fantasy world imo. Tolkein is a mastermind.
Berriz hasi naiz irakurtzen Eraztunen Jauna, ingelesez oraingoan. Nerabe nintzen irakurri nuen azkenaldian, eta bigarrenez irakurtzeak, egia esan, ahaztuta nituen hainbat detaile birgogoratzea ekarri dit.
Fantasiazko generoa gorpuztu duen obra nagusienetakoa, dudarik gabe. Bikaina.
In 1980 Heinlein published a novel called The Number of the Beast. It involved parallel universes, The World as Fiction, and dragged in Lazarus Long, as Heinlein seemed to do in most of his later books. While parts of it were fun, it was also confusing and disjointed in my opinion. I will read any Heinlein for the writing alone, so I am a fan (in fact, I was for a time the webmaster for The Heinlein Society), but I can see that some of his stuff is better than others. So when I heard there was an alternate version of this novel, I had to check it out. And The Pursuit of the Pankera keeps the same basic setting and has the same beginning as The Number of the Beast, but I think it is much better. The plot is a lot more cohesive and the novel just flows …
In 1980 Heinlein published a novel called The Number of the Beast. It involved parallel universes, The World as Fiction, and dragged in Lazarus Long, as Heinlein seemed to do in most of his later books. While parts of it were fun, it was also confusing and disjointed in my opinion. I will read any Heinlein for the writing alone, so I am a fan (in fact, I was for a time the webmaster for The Heinlein Society), but I can see that some of his stuff is better than others. So when I heard there was an alternate version of this novel, I had to check it out. And The Pursuit of the Pankera keeps the same basic setting and has the same beginning as The Number of the Beast, but I think it is much better. The plot is a lot more cohesive and the novel just flows in way the previous didn't. This is the one I will reread in the future. And as a huge fan of the Lensman universe the part of the book that goes there was quite a treat. For those who don't know, the idea of The World as Fiction is that fictional worlds are real in other universes, so the characters here visit Barsoom, Oz, and the Lensman universe. Tons of fun.
1986an hasi nintzen irakurtzen liburua, martxoan, nire amomaren urtebetetze egunean. Ez nekien ezer honi buruz. 14 urterekin gauza guztietaz dakizu, eta ezertaz ez. Berehala harrapatu ninduen, eta hala eta guztiz ere urte t'erdi behar izan nuen irakurtzeko, 87ko urrian bukatu bait nuen. Tartean beste hiru liburu ere irakurri nituen, Las Montañas Blancas, La Ciudad de Oro y Plomo eta El Estanque de Fuego John CHristopher.enak 86ko urtebetetzean oparitu zizkidatenak.
Ordutik hona hainbat urte pasa dira eta 15 bat alditan irakurri izan dut liburua.
Hurrengoan irakurtzen dudanean euskaraz izango da.