The Dark Forest

512 orrialde

English hizkuntza

2015ko abu. 11a(e)an argitaratua


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4 izar (7 berrikuspen)

"With the scope of Dune and the rousing action of Independence Day, this near-future trilogy is the first chance for English-speaking readers to experience this multiple-award-winning phenomenon from China's most beloved science fiction author. In Dark Forest, Earth is reeling from the revelation of a coming alien invasion--in just four centuries' time. The aliens' human collaborators may have been defeated, but the presence of the sophons, the subatomic particles that allow Trisolaris instant access to all human information, means that Earth's defense plans are totally exposed to the enemy. Only the human mind remains a secret. This is the motivation for the Wallfacer Project, a daring plan that grants four men enormous resources to design secret strategies, hidden through deceit and misdirection from Earth and Trisolaris alike. Three of the Wallfacers are influential statesmen and scientists, but the fourth is a total unknown. Luo Ji, an unambitious Chinese astronomer and …

10 edizio

(e)k Liu Cixin(r)en The Dark Forest kritika egin du

Excellent. On par with Asimov.

5 izar

The second part is as good as the first one. A great combination of astrophysics, sociology, philosophy. Luckily I read Asimov's Foundations before Cixin books and I see there are alot of references and parallels with them. The translation to EN was better and more understandabla in the first part. I had big difficulties imagining characters. Maybe because of Chinese names, or because of their one-dimensionality.

El bosque oscuro, Liu Cixin (Lurraren iraganaren oroitzapena (Hiru gorputzak); 2)

4 izar

Edukiari buruzko abisua Kontuz izenburuaren azalpenarekin ez baduzu liburua irakurri

(e)k Liu Cixin(r)en La forêt sombre kritika egin du

Continuación de El problema de los tres cuerpos

3 izar

La historia parece centrarse en ésta ocasión en los vallados, tres hombres con plena libertad para planificar la defensa de la tierra ante la futura llegada de los extraterrestres invasores, que ocurrirá dentro de 400 años. el comienzo me está gustando, cuando lo termine actualizaré la reseña.