Erabiltzailearen profila

Kortabarria :izargorria:

duela urte 1, 6 hilabete(e)an batu zen

Euskaldun jaio,
euskaldun bizi,
euskaldun hil. :euskalherria:

Esteka hau laster-leiho batean zabalduko da

Erabiltzailearen aktibitatea

avatar for Kortabarria :izargorria: bultzatuta
avatar for Kortabarria :izargorria: bultzatuta

🚨‼️🇮🇱Please read this carefully:

Days ago, I received that israel killed one of my best friends. I thought israel killed him randomly as it always does: shelling bombs randomly at civilians. But I was partially wrong.

Moments before israel killed him and his family, an israeli collaborator, unfortunately from Gaza, was posing as a panhandler. With malicious intent, he knocked on the door of my friend's home. My friend's brother opened the door, welling to help whom ever knocking. This scum israeli collaborator knew that the house has people inside. He saw that, in the front yard, my friend's father and uncle were sitting, so he hastily left with treacherous silence. After a few moments later, israel targeted the house, directly bombing the front yard where his father was still sitting. The father and the uncle were killed instantly. My friend sustained serious injuries and died half an hour later. …

avatar for Kortabarria :izargorria: bultzatuta
Front de libération nationale de la Corse (Paperback, Frantses language, 2000, L'Harmattan) 3 izar

Ce livre est une contribution majeure à la connaissance actuelle des forces politiques corses en …