
Trilogía de Sprawl 1


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4 izar (6 berrikuspen)

Un futuro invadido por microprocesadores, en el que la información es la materia prima. Vaqueros como Henry Dorrett Case se ganan la vida hurtando información, traspasando defensas electrónicas, bloques tangibles y luminosos, como rascacielos geométricos.

En este espeluznante y sombrío futuro, la mayor parte del este de Norteamérica es una única y gigantesca ciudad, casi toda Europa un vertedero atómico y Japón una jungla de neón, corruptora y brillante, donde una persona es la suma de sus vicios.

Neuromante, es considerada una novela clásica del ciberpunk, ganadora de los premios Hugo, Nebula y Philip K. Dick.

40 edizio

(e)k William Gibson(r)en Neuromante liburuaren kritika egin du

Debe leerse con gran disposición

3 izar

Uno de los libros que me ha resultado más difícil de comentar/calificar... Por un lado, me parece admirable la forma en que Gibson se adelanta a su tiempo de maneras que muy pocos se atrevieron y muchos menos consiguieron convertir casi en "profecías". Por otro lado, la narrativa es difícil de seguir... No por compleja, quizás es un asunto de gusto personal o del momento de mi vida en que lo leí, pero me costó conectar emocionalmente con los personajes. Me lo apunto como un libro al que le debo una segunda lectura, con una disposición diferente de mi parte.

(e)k William Gibson(r)en Neuromancer liburuaren kritika egin du

Desert Island Pulp Sci-fi

5 izar

Anyone wanting to argue than Neuromancer has aged like either milk or wine will readily find all the examples they could want to make their case; but the depiction of the consensual hallucination in Neuromancer still reads like a more futuristic network and virtual reality technology than anything we have today.

The words visionary and iconic get thrown around by hypebeasts and idiots to the point they're a debased and inflated currency, but describing Neuromancer without them is telling lies of omission. Parts of Neuromancer still describe a vision of what may yet come (and a far from idealised vision at that).

For anyone who hasn't read it, expect it to make less sense on your first reading than the second. Some things seem overly detailed but on rereading the same ink on the same pages somehow has written different words leaving me a completely different impression second time around. …

Review of 'Neuromancer (Remembering Tomorrow)' on 'Storygraph'

4 izar

I thought I'd read this before, but remember nothing. Which is surprising, because it was really freak'n cool. From the very first line, it's all so dang evocative. I had to re-read so much of it to savour each description. But also had to re-read a lot because I only read a page or two at a time, and I got lost a lot returning to it, because everything moved so fast. But hot dang, I see why it's a classic.

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