Kritikak eta Iruzkinak

ju Blokeatutako kontua

duela urte 1, 6 hilabete(e)an batu zen

Some SF, fantasy, and obscure LGBT, mixed with travel, photography theory and women authors, in French and English.

Esteka hau laster-leiho batean zabalduko da

(e)k Emma Newman(r)en Planetfall kritika egin du

Planetfall (2015, Ace) 4 izar

One secret withheld to protect humanity’s future might be its undoing…

Renata Ghali believed in …

A really good read

4 izar

A really good read, the main character is nuanced and the plot strong -- even though the trope "I have a really dark secret, let me tell you about it much later" is a bit overused in novels, it still works, as the story is more than just that.

The City in the Middle of the Night (EBook, 2019, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 3 izar

Would you give up everything to change the world?

Humanity clings to life on January--a …

Quite a disappointment

3 izar

Edukiari buruzko abisua Spoilers ahead!

(e)k Tamsyn Muir(r)en Nona the Ninth kritika egin du

Nona the Ninth (Hardcover, 2022) 4 izar

Her city is under siege. The zombies are coming back. And all Nona wants is …

Good but frustrating

3 izar

It's a bit of a disappointment that, yet again, the reader is left to try to make sense of the characters, plot and wtf is going on. I wish I didn't have to go on forums to find out important information that was only very, very slightly hinted at in the book. It's one thing to want revelations and plot-twists and ah-ah-moments, it's another to leave the reader completely in the fog for 500 pages. If the writing wasn't that good and the characters that compelling, I would've left it a while ago.