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My book collection

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GeekWisdom(r)en liburuak

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The Accidental Time Machine (2007, Ace Books) 5 izar

Grad-school dropout Matt Fuller is toiling as a lowly research assistant at MIT when, while …

A fun adventure through time...and space!

5 izar

I came across this book from booktuber Fit2BRead while preparing for my upcoming podcast on time travel and was not disappointed!

Reminiscent of the OG "the time machine" by HG wells, Matt Fuller follows a similar path using more modern ideas, and technology. There are a few paragraphs coincidentally almost identical to the Mr G. Interview I recorded before I even started reading it.

QBQ! the Question Behind the Question: Practicing Personal Accountability at Work and in Life 5 izar

The audio is amazing too!

5 izar

QBQ is the story of personal accountability. If you have the chance I highly recommend listening to this on audio. John Miller talks himself, and really brings his words and his story to life. My favorite story is when he is on a plane and someone next to him asks what he does for a living!

Mr Miller and I chatted once on twitter, it was the first time I had a conversation with one of my hero authors, it was awesome. He is a really nice, down to earth guy to talk with.

Geek Wisdom: The Sacred Teachings of Nerd Culture (2011) Baloraziorik ez

The book that started it all!

Baloraziorik ez

One day in early 2018, I was sitting at my office desk thinking about revising the name of my website, I had a strong desire to share some of the wisdom I had learned over the years, but I wasn't sure what to call it. Someone popped into my office with a question, and after I answered they thanked me and told me telling me that they appreciated my 'geek wisdom'. So I thought, that sounds like a cool website name, I wonder if anyone has that domain. I looked up and did some google searches and came across this book. A book of geeky quotes and deeper meanings, kind of which I thought of it myself. A really good read!

The Goal (2012, North River Press) 5 izar

Mr. Rogo, a plant manager, must improve his factory's efficiency or face its closing in …

An amazing resource! and excellent Story telling

5 izar

I first found the goal many years ago, so long in fact it was on a compact disc (CD) audio file. I loved the book and have been hooked on the Theory of Constraints ever since!

By book notes from the book can be found at:

Crazy Foolish Robots (EBook) 5 izar

Ruby Palmer finds herself on an entire planet surrounded by the things she hates the …

Easy to read, not too technical - Very Enjoyable!

5 izar

Adeena really brings together a great fictional tale here about 'AI', and Robots. The character of Ruby is well portrayed hero figure who slowly learns to grapple with her fear of 'AI' though an unexpected series of events. The storyline is easy to follow, and has some fun technical references (eg: blockchain as a religion!), but not too technical, just the right amount! 100% recommend to anyone who likes Sci Fi books and robots!