The Accidental Time Machine

278 orrialde

English hizkuntza

2007ko aza. 18a(e)an Ace Books(e)n argitaratua.

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5 izar (berrikuspen 1)

Grad-school dropout Matt Fuller is toiling as a lowly research assistant at MIT when, while measuring subtle quantum forces that relate to time changes in gravity and electromagnetic force, his calibrator turns into a time machine. With a dead-end job and a girlfriend who has left him for another man, Matt has nothing to lose taking a time machine trip himself-or so he thinks.

2 edizio

A fun adventure through time...and space!

5 izar

I came across this book from booktuber Fit2BRead while preparing for my upcoming podcast on time travel and was not disappointed!

Reminiscent of the OG "the time machine" by HG wells, Matt Fuller follows a similar path using more modern ideas, and technology. There are a few paragraphs coincidentally almost identical to the Mr G. Interview I recorded before I even started reading it.


  • Time travel -- Fiction.
  • Science fiction.