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I love to read—always have. No matter where I go, my Kindle is by my side. 📖 I love to write—always have. If only time would permit me to get more done. ✍️

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Murder in Mesopotamia (Hercule Poirot, #14) (2001) 4 izar

Murder in Mesopotamia is a work of detective fiction by British writer Agatha Christie, first …

I had no idea who it was until the very end

4 izar

Again, I was completely in the dark with this book. There were just too many characters for me to keep track of who might’ve done it. Poirot masterly solves it at the very end, just as expected. I’d read this one before—likely 10 years or more ago—but couldn’t remember who it was. Maybe next time.

(e)k Jude Sierra(r)en What It Takes kritika egin du

What It Takes (Paperback, Interlude Press) 4 izar

Moments after Milo Graham’s family relocate to Cape Cod, he meets Andrew Witherell—launching a lifelong …

It reminded me of a movie I once saw

4 izar

I kept having the feeling that I knew this story from a movie I once saw. The house in the woods is just so familiar. The story is cute and tragic and everything. So many emotions. I didn’t really get the drama at the very end—it felt a bit made up and not as real as the rear of the story.

The Mystery of the Blue Train (Hardcover, 2007, Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers) 4 izar

Bound for the Riviera, detective Hercule Poirot has boarded Le Train Bleu, an elegant, leisurely …

A great re-read for me

4 izar

I must have subconsciously remembered who the murderer was, because I figured it out and that usually doesn’t happen with Agatha Christie stories. I feel like there were a few rather obvious hints though. A great book and I enjoyed this long overdue re-read very much.

Wyrd Sisters (2013) 5 izar

Wyrd Sisters is Terry Pratchett's sixth Discworld novel, published in 1988. It re-introduces Granny Weatherwax …

I just love those witches

5 izar

What an immensely entertaining book. I didn’t get all the references but enough for it to be very entertaining. So well written in it’s craziness—one can barely believe it. I’m not even sure which witch I liked best. They’re all super! I’m really glad I started into the Discworld with this subseries.

A murder is announced (2006, Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, Distributed by Workman Pub. Co.) 5 izar

The villagers of Chipping Cleghorn, including Jane Marple, are agog with curiosity over an advertisement …

I remembered who’d done it, but still loved it

5 izar

I immediately remembered who it was, so most of the story was not a surprise anymore, but it was still a joy to read it. A very typical Christie story—and no wonder it is this popular. Miss Marple at her best!

The Moving Finger (2002) 3 izar

The Moving Finger is a detective novel by British writer Agatha Christie, first published in …

Disappointingly little of Miss Marple

3 izar

I was actually a bit disappointed by this book. Miss Marple isn’t even mentioned until I think 60 or 70% in. Basically doesn’t appear after that either. She ends up solving the crime but it is more a story of Mr. Burton.

The Murder on the Links (1984) 4 izar

The Murder on the Links is a work of detective fiction by Agatha Christie, first …

Another great Poirot story

4 izar

Another great Poirot story. It was a bit disappointing that we were kept even more in the dark and some clues were just revealed after the fact—not the same way as in Styles. I was kept mostly in the dark, even though I realised some connections fast. The murderer though, I did not find on my own. Still, it was very enjoyable and I cannot wait to re-watch the tv show as well.

The Mysterious Affair at Styles (2002, Deodand Publishing) 5 izar

Set in the summer of 1917 in an Essex country estate, the story follows the …

Always a joy to read Agatha Christie

5 izar

I had read this one before but it had been a while so I decided to try again—especially because a couple of friends reading Agatha Christie reminded me of how much I used to love her books. It was as thrilling as it was the first time. I had my suspicions, but in the end, I feel just like Hastings—an utter fool. I picked up quite a few of the clues and came to the right conclusions but in the end, had not properly sorted all the clues in my little grey cells. Eager to re-read all her works now!

The Music of What Happens (Hardcover, 2019, Arthur A. Levine Books) 4 izar

Max: Chill. Sports. Video games. Gay and not a big deal, not to him, not …

I’m actually not sure if I liked or disliked this book

4 izar

I’m actually not sure if I liked or disliked this book. It was much darker than expected but also not as engaging as I had hoped. Generally it was fine and well written—apart from some sentences that felt a bit off but that’s probably more a personal thing. The ending was a bit philosophical all of a sudden which felt rather out of character and more meta from the author, but it fit well and I was glad it was the last chapter and there were no more surprises. Obviously one wonders what happened to the bos and families after this, which is a good thing. I wouldn’t want a forced second part though.

Das Lächeln der Fortuna (German language, 2001) 4 izar

Quite an interesting story

4 izar

What an immensely long book. It was quite good, even though sometimes the mundane life was described in too much detail and the exciting scenes were too short. Generally a very good book though and I am seriously contemplating continuing with the Waringham saga. At times it was really difficult to put the book down and that there’s not real chapters in a sense didn’t help going to bed early either.

(e)k Donald Bain(r)en Knock 'Em Dead kritika egin du

Knock 'Em Dead (Signet) 4 izar

The ending felt a bit rushed

4 izar

I’m actually slightly disappointed in this book, because the conclusion seemed very rushed. Generally it is like every other Murder, she wrote. I spotted the clue to who the murderer was immediately, so from that point onwards, it was not as thrilling anymore.

(e)k Kathy Reichs(r)en Bones Never Lie kritika egin du

Bones Never Lie (2014) 4 izar

Unexpectedly called in to the Charlotte PD's Cold Case Unit, Dr. Temperance Brennan wonders why …

“Bones” books are always good

4 izar

As with most Tempe books, I really enjoyed this one. I’m still uncertain if the original case referenced was in a previous book. Obviously the whole story here was really tragic but enjoyable in a sense and well done. I had my suspicions though and in the end was 100% right—which isn’t a bad thing.

Red, White & Royal Blue (Paperback, 2019, St. Martin's Griffin) 3 izar

What happens when America's First Son falls in love with the Prince of Wales?

When …

A bit hyped but alright

3 izar

Somehow I expected more from this book. The idea was quite cute but I was a bit disappointed by the inaccuracies when it came to the UK bit of the story. Almost until the end I did not understand who Henry actually was. Him being called "Prince of England" feels like such American ignorance—even if it is the typical thing he is being called in the US. Prince of Wales? Why? He is not heir apparent. Anyway, apart from those things, it was a rather cute book. Many things were obviously predictable–something one expects from romance novels I guess—so there was not a lot of surprise in the book. The long chapters sometimes felt a bit too much. At least it was easy to read.

The Love We Hide (EBook, 2021, Purple Spekter™ Press) 4 izar

Welcome back to Temple High! Damien Benoit-Ledoux returns with the third, heartwarming volume of his …

Very good but technically needs a mini polish

4 izar

Like the other two books in this series, it was very cute. I wonder if the author had personal experience with the topic because it seems rather real how these specific Christian churches operate. I am glad the stories work out in the end. Only criticism is that some parts of the book are not well edited. Sometimes words are missing in sentences and there’s some mini detail/logic errors. Just a mini polish missing on all of them.