Kritikak eta Iruzkinak


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I am an avid reader of fiction. Nonfiction puts me to sleep mostly.

Science fiction and fantasy are my jam, but I am willing to give any genre a shot.

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(e)k Christopher L. Bennett(r)en Watching The Clock liburuaren kritika egin du

Christopher L. Bennett: Watching The Clock (2011, Pocket Books) 5 izar

Watching the Clock

5 izar

I have been struggling to find a book that could hold my attention over the last few months, but I have finished this one in a matter of days.

I will admit that I was not able to keep up with all of the time shenanigans as well as the author probably intended, but I don't think it was too big a detriment to the book.

Please keep in mind that I am an avid #StarTrek fan, so this is a biased review.