This was a good idea in desperate need of a good editor. The formatting and misspellings distracted from the story.
Kritikak eta Iruzkinak
I read books. Whatever strikes my fancy.
Esteka hau laster-leiho batean zabalduko da
Blank Slate (e)k Laura Lollie(r)en Personas liburuaren kritika egin du
Blank Slate (e)k Freida McFadden(r)en The Housemaid's Secret liburuaren kritika egin du (The Housemaid, Part II)
Blank Slate (e)k Jl Lycette(r)en Algorithm Will See You Now liburuaren kritika egin du
Blank Slate (e)k Jude Rogers(r)en The Sound Of Being Human liburuaren kritika egin du
The Sound of Being Human
3 izar
This was an interesting read and exercise in self reflection. The author and I have different tastes, musically, so I was interested in seeing how relevant the text would be in my case. The answer is: sort of. I would totally have gotten more out of this book if I had been familiar with and a fan of the music. I'm interested mostly in the neuroscience and picked up some interesting ideas but this seems more like a personal memoir than guidebook.
Blank Slate (e)k Jude Rogers egilearen The Sound Of Being Human irakurtzen amaitu du
Blank Slate (e)k Tracy Clark(r)en Hide liburuaren kritika egin du
Blank Slate (e)k Gregg Olsen(r)en The Hive liburuaren kritika egin du
The Hive
4 izar
A good mystery that I did not figure out halfway through. There's a good selection of unreliable characters with quirks and opathies that made putting this together a lot of fun. The shady new-age charlatan is a modern character that I am finding I enjoy.
Blank Slate (e)k Margaret Atwood(r)en My Evil Mother liburuaren kritika egin du
Blank Slate (e)k David Graeber(r)en The Dawn of Everything liburuaren kritika egin du
The Dawn of Everything
3 izar
I didn't enjoy reading this book but that's not to say it wasn't a good book, or worthwhile. There were some revelations in there for me to enjoy - and I sure did! I told others about this book while reading it - but they were buried inside of too many words. The appendix consumes 48% of this tome but so much more of the text could have safely been stowed there for the detail-starved reader. I was frequently reminded of "Moby Dick" and found myself wondering whether it would be safe to skip whole chunks. I admit to skimming at times. Could be me, this wasn't a popular book for nothing...but I'm so relieved to be finished.
bookstodon #books
Blank Slate (e)k Don Winslow(r)en City on Fire liburuaren kritika egin du
City On Fire by Don Winslow
3 izar
The story moved along quickly. There were a lot of characters and I had trouble at first keeping track of them. My favorite was Cassie but I didn't get to spend enough time with her. I never developed much emotional attachment to any of the characters; had I cared more for or about them this would've rated higher for me.
Blank Slate (e)k Freida McFadden(r)en The Housemaid liburuaren kritika egin du
Blank Slate (e)k Gabrielle Zevin(r)en Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow liburuaren kritika egin du
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin
3 izar
This is the first book I've ever read that I think I am actually too old to appreciate. I'm not a gamer and lack the familiarity with that world that might help me better grasp the literary Easter eggs. I'm sure I missed a few. It's a lovely tale, well-written, with characters I cared about.
Blank Slate (e)k Ayşe Kulin(r)en Last train to Istanbul liburuaren kritika egin du
Last Train to Istanbul
2 izar
I didn't enjoy reading this but persisted out of a sense of obligation to the subject matter. Possibly the fact that this was a translation contributed to the stilted conversation and vague exposition. It's a good enough story I just kept noticing the way it was written.
Blank Slate (e)k Brené Brown(r)en Atlas of the Heart liburuaren kritika egin du
Last Train to Istanbul
2 izar
I didn't enjoy reading this but persisted out of a sense of obligation to the subject matter. Possibly the fact that this was a translation contributed to the stilted conversation and vague exposition.