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I read books. Whatever strikes my fancy.

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The Sound Of Being Human (EBook, White Rabbit) 3 izar

The Sound of Being Human explores why music plays such a deep-rooted role in our …

The Sound of Being Human

3 izar

This was an interesting read and exercise in self reflection. The author and I have different tastes, musically, so I was interested in seeing how relevant the text would be in my case. The answer is: sort of. I would totally have gotten more out of this book if I had been familiar with and a fan of the music. I'm interested mostly in the neuroscience and picked up some interesting ideas but this seems more like a personal memoir than guidebook.

(e)k Gregg Olsen(r)en The Hive kritika egin du

The Hive (AudiobookFormat, 2021, Brilliance Audio) 4 izar

This is listed as an audio edition but I'm reading the e book.

The Hive

4 izar

A good mystery that I did not figure out halfway through. There's a good selection of unreliable characters with quirks and opathies that made putting this together a lot of fun. The shady new-age charlatan is a modern character that I am finding I enjoy.

The Dawn of Everything (2022, Allen Lane) 3 izar

A breathtakingly ambitious retelling of the earliest human societies offers a new understanding of world …

The Dawn of Everything

3 izar

I didn't enjoy reading this book but that's not to say it wasn't a good book, or worthwhile. There were some revelations in there for me to enjoy - and I sure did! I told others about this book while reading it - but they were buried inside of too many words. The appendix consumes 48% of this tome but so much more of the text could have safely been stowed there for the detail-starved reader. I was frequently reminded of "Moby Dick" and found myself wondering whether it would be safe to skip whole chunks. I admit to skimming at times. Could be me, this wasn't a popular book for nothing...but I'm so relieved to be finished.

bookstodon #books

City on Fire (Hardcover, 2021, William Morrow) 3 izar

City On Fire by Don Winslow

3 izar

The story moved along quickly. There were a lot of characters and I had trouble at first keeping track of them. My favorite was Cassie but I didn't get to spend enough time with her. I never developed much emotional attachment to any of the characters; had I cared more for or about them this would've rated higher for me.

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow (Hardcover, 2022, Knopf) 4 izar

In this exhilarating novel, two friends--often in love, but never lovers--come together as creative partners …

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

3 izar

This is the first book I've ever read that I think I am actually too old to appreciate. I'm not a gamer and lack the familiarity with that world that might help me better grasp the literary Easter eggs. I'm sure I missed a few. It's a lovely tale, well-written, with characters I cared about.

Turkey has long been a safe haven for Jews, marriage between a high-ranking Muslim girl …

Last Train to Istanbul

2 izar

I didn't enjoy reading this but persisted out of a sense of obligation to the subject matter. Possibly the fact that this was a translation contributed to the stilted conversation and vague exposition. It's a good enough story I just kept noticing the way it was written.