Toute la lumière que nous ne pouvons voir

pocket book, 704 orrialde

2016ko ira. 28a(e)an LGF(e)n argitaratua.

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5 izar (4 berrikuspen)

From the highly acclaimed, multiple award-winning Anthony Doerr, a stunningly ambitious and beautiful novel about a blind French girl and a German boy whose paths collide in occupied France as both try to survive the devastation of World War II. Marie Laure lives with her father in Paris within walking distance of the Museum of Natural History where he works as the master of the locks (there are thousands of locks in the museum). When she is six, she goes blind, and her father builds her a model of their neighborhood, every house, every manhole, so she can memorize it with her fingers and navigate the real streets with her feet and cane. When the Germans occupy Paris, father and daughter flee to Saint-Malo on the Brittany coast, where Marie-Laure's agoraphobic great uncle lives in a tall, narrow house by the sea wall. In another world in Germany, an orphan …

34 edizio

(e)k Anthony Doerr(r)en La luz que no puedes ver liburuaren kritika egin du

Eleberri biribila, biribilegia

Baloraziorik ez

Liburutegi kontuak jorratzen dituzten liburuek erakarrita, Anthony Doerren Ciudad de las nubes irakurri nuen eta nahikotxo gustatu zitzaidan (Konstantinoplako setioaren historia gogoan luze geratzeko modukoa da). Oso egoera eta aro ezberdinetan kokatutako lau-bost pertsonaia oratu eta harilkatu zituen modua benetan ona iruditu zitzaidan eta aurreko bere nobela (Pulitzer sariagaz altzatu zena, gainera) nahiko modu onean ikusi nuenez liburu-dendan ba... animatu egin nintzen.

Oso ondo idatzita dago eta pertsonaiekin hunkitu zaitezen lortzen du. Kapitulu oso laburrak, egoera batetik bestera saltoka narrazioa arinduz eta liburukotea (seiehun orri baino gehiago ditu) di-da batean irakurtzea ahalbidetzen dutenak.

Eta, hala ere, zerbaitek, ez dakit zehatz zerk, kirrinka egiten zuen liburuan zehar. Tira, nire maniak, agian.

Apunte modura, liburuan agertzen diren haurrei bideratutako zientzia irratsaioek egungo Ikusgela[1] proiektua gogorarazi didate. Nork daki, agian etortzear dagoen apokalipsi zonbian, jakingura naturala duten umeak elkartzeko balioko ote dute bideook.


(e)k Anthony Doerr(r)en All the Light We Cannot See liburuaren kritika egin du

A masterpiece

5 izar

This was so well written. I love Doerr's beautiful descriptive style and the way he interweaves the stories of the characters intricately together.

Minus half a star because it didn't make me shed as many tears as such a powerful story should have. I can't really tell why. Maybe it was just my mood and I may need to reread it sometime and update my rating o 5 stars. Its definitely worth a read and a reread in any case.

Review of 'All the Light We Cannot See' on 'Goodreads'

5 izar

As intricate and well-crafted as Helprin's Soldier of the Great War, or Sunlight and Shaddow, only more enthralling and accessible. Loved the skipping around in time and place, fullfilling the thesis that mind and spirit aren't restricted to the linear progression of time and can fly through the air like birds or radio waves.

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4 izar