La Guerre éternelle

mass market paperback, 281 pages

French language

Published Aug. 1, 2001 by J'ai lu.

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3 stars (2 reviews)

"The legendary novel of extraterrestrial war in an uncaring universe comes to comics, in a stunningly realized vision of Joe Haldeman's Vietnam War parable epic war story spanning relativistic space and time, The Forever War explores one soldier's experience as he is caught up in the brutal machinery of a war against an unknown and unknowable alien foe that reaches across the stars" --

The monumental Hugo and Nebula award winning SF classic-- Featuring a new introduction by John Scalzi

The Earth's leaders have drawn a line in the interstellar sand--despite the fact that the fierce alien enemy they would oppose is inscrutable, unconquerable, and very far away. A reluctant conscript drafted into an elite Military unit, Private William Mandella has been propelled through space and time to fight in the distant thousand-year conflict; to perform his duties and do whatever it takes to survive the ordeal and return home. …

23 editions

A Decent Book for The Most Part

3 stars

A man is drafted into the space army and shipped around the galaxy fighting for galactic supremacy. He doesn't exactly love the war, but he doesn't seem to have many particularly strong opinions about most things. Pitched to me as the anti-war antidote to Starship Troopers, the main thing I took away was that Starship Troopers wasn't exactly pro-war either, only the protagonist was. Still, it was interesting to read both!

Ospe handiko eta sari askofun nobela, ondo baina ez hainbesterako

3 stars

Sari asko jasotko nobela (Hugo, Nebula, Locus) eta "hil aurretik irakurri behar dituzun zientzia fikziozko liburuen" zerrendatan beti agertzen dena. Sariena uler dezaket, duela ia berrogeitamar urte oso berritzaileak ziren kontzeptuak erakusten dituelako, asko hurrengo autoreek halanola kopiatuak (adibidez, 16,7 m/s baino azkarrago doan edozer deusezten duen indar-eremua gero The Expanse nobelen autoreek bere "gune geldoa" egiteko birmoldatua), baina kontatzen den istorioa ez zait hain interesgarria iruditzen eta ezin izan dut nire burua mundu guztiak goraipatzen duen nobelaren gai nagusia omen den gerraren absurduaren egoera horretan murgildu. Bukaera nahiko bapatekoa da. Ia 300 orrialde eta azken hamarretan, danba, bukatu da. Hala ere, ez da irakurtzeko astuna eta garaikideak diren beste nobela batzuk baino ulerterrazagoa da, batzutan kontzeptu hain sikodelikoak sartzen dituzte ze ez da nobela zertaz doan ulertzen. Sexualitatearen gaia bere garaian oso aurrerakoia izango zen baina gaur egun kutsu nahiko zaharrunoa dauka. Asko gustatu zait extralurtarrekin egindako lehen kontaktua …