Hea uus ilm

Hardcover, 237 orrialde

Estonian hizkuntza

2008ko aza. 8a(e)an Tänapäev(e)n argitaratua.

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4 izar (8 berrikuspen)

Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) romaan "Hea uus ilm" on XX sajandi ühe fantaasiarikkaima kirjaniku tulevikunägemus totalitaarsest olmeparadiisist. Romaani sündmustik leiab aset utoopilises riigis, kus eesmärgiks on inimeste õnn. Õnne säilitamise huvides loobutakse kõigest, mis sünnitaks sügavamaid mõtteid või tundeid ning ohustaks seeläbi riigi stabiilsust ning seega samastub õnnelik olemine selles riigis vabaduse täieliku puudumisega.

166 edizio

(e)k Aldous Huxley(r)en Brave New World liburuaren kritika egin du

A bit too "on-the-nose"

3 izar

I guess it might be the point of the book, but I couldn't feel that any character was real, everything felt stereotypical; while at the same time that "prediction" of the future does not seem plausible to me.

And I repeat, it might be the point of the book, so, if that is the case, then great job. I just did not enjoy it or gained any interesting insight.

(e)k Aldous Huxley(r)en Brave New World liburuaren kritika egin du

Class and capitalism destroy what should be good

5 izar

What we remember most is how disappointed we were that the story spun all the wonderful potential benefits of science into a dystopia where class and capitalism prevailed. The book disturbingly portrays how a society with admiral goals can go wrong with rigid and fanatical application. Society, it is to flourish, it needs to be open and alive.

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