Azal biguna, 199 orrialde

Spanish hizkuntza

2013ko aza. 30a(e)an Editores Mexicanos Unidos(e)n argitaratua.

ISBN-a kopiatu!

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4 izar (8 berrikuspen)

Prólogo con resena crítica de la obra, vida y obra del autor, y marco histórico.

166 edizio

(e)k Aldous Huxley(r)en Brave New World liburuaren kritika egin du

A bit too "on-the-nose"

3 izar

I guess it might be the point of the book, but I couldn't feel that any character was real, everything felt stereotypical; while at the same time that "prediction" of the future does not seem plausible to me.

And I repeat, it might be the point of the book, so, if that is the case, then great job. I just did not enjoy it or gained any interesting insight.

(e)k Aldous Huxley(r)en Brave New World liburuaren kritika egin du

Class and capitalism destroy what should be good

5 izar

What we remember most is how disappointed we were that the story spun all the wonderful potential benefits of science into a dystopia where class and capitalism prevailed. The book disturbingly portrays how a society with admiral goals can go wrong with rigid and fanatical application. Society, it is to flourish, it needs to be open and alive.

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