Into the wild

2008ko aza. 5a(e)an argitaratua


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3 izar (2 berrikuspen)

Into the Wild is a 1996 non-fiction book written by Jon Krakauer. It is an expansion of a 9,000-word article by Krakauer on Chris McCandless titled "Death of an Innocent", which appeared in the January 1993 issue of Outside. The book was adapted to a film of the same name in 2007, directed by Sean Penn with Emile Hirsch starring as McCandless. Into the Wild is an international bestseller which has been printed in 30 languages and 173 editions and formats. The book is widely used as high school and college reading curriculum. Into the Wild has been lauded by many reviewers, and in 2019 was listed by Slate as one of the 50 best nonfiction works of the past quarter-century.Despite its critical acclaim, the book's accuracy has been disputed by some of those involved in McCandless' story, and by some commentators such as Alaskan reporter Craig Medred. Medred covers …

Edizio 1

Moins émouvant que son adaptation filmique

3 izar

Jon Krakauer livre une enquête journalistique remarquable et passionnante sur les influences, les pensées et le voyage de Chris McCandless. Je m'attendais cependant à une écriture plus poétique car j'avais ressenti une approche un peu plus sensible et artistique devant l'adaptation filmique de Sean Penn. Je n'en reste pas moins marquée par certains chapitres retranscrivant les témoignages des personnes ayant croisé la route de McCandless. Comme il est fascinant de réaliser à quel point une rencontre, une discussion ou une lettre, aussi courtes puissent-elle être, peuvent profondément changer la perception de la vie d'une personne...

(e)k Jon Krakauer(r)en Into the wild kritika egin du

Lehen liburua ingeles hutsean

3 izar

Ba halaxe izan da, bai: nik hala aukeratuta irakurri deten ingelesezko lehen liburua, moldatu gabea Benetan pozgarria zait ohartzea, den-dena ulertu ez arren, haria jarraitu dezaketela eta bitartean disfrutatu ere. Ilusioz beterik hasi nintzan liburu hau irakurtzen, saiakera (eko)primitibisten antologia bat irakurri ta gero, istorio honek ere primitibismotik dulako. Baina liburua ez dago argi egituratua ta horrek zaletzea ekidin dit: Chris McCandless-en istorioa kontatzen hasten da, gero pertsonai bera baina iraganean, gero bapatean beste antzeko istorio bat, beste bat, jarraian liburua dokumental bihurtze da, elkarrizketekin eta, gero hasierako pertsonaian gaztaroaz, gero idazlean beran istorio bat, gero berriz hasierakora... nahiko inkoherentea, alegia, haria jarraitzeko zaila

Halatare, kontu interesgarriak ditu liburu osoan zehar, aipua, hausnarketak...

