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I read only nonfiction for years. Now, I'm getting back into fiction. (he/him)

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Erabiltzailearen aktibitatea

(e)k John Grisham(r)en The Litigators kritika egin du

The Litigators (Hardcover, 2011, Hodder & Stoughton) 3 izar

Law firm partners Oscar Finley and Wally Figg see a chance for huge financial gain …

A solid law tale

3 izar

Being new to Grisham, I'm again impressed by his character development. You do get the expected legal procedural and also get interesting characters. Even though they're 'ambulance chasers' and a bit sleazy, I wanted to hear about them.

The pace is a bit clunky in the middle but still an entertaining book.

Flying in Place (1992, T. Doherty Associates) 4 izar

Emma is twelve, a perfectly normal girl, in a perfectly normal home. With a perfectly …

Dealing with trauma

4 izar

I found this book from 1993 in a local little library. The power went out that night in an intense desert storm, so I started reading by phone light. I finished in one sitting.

It's very well written with simple, unobstructed prose. The words get out of the way so you can experience the emotional journey. You will definitely cry on this one, but it will be cathartic.

(e)k Annalee Newitz(r)en Autonomous kritika egin du

Autonomous (Hardcover, 2017, Tor Books) 5 izar

Autonomous features a rakish female pharmaceutical pirate named Jack who traverses the world in her …

Very enjoyable techie sci-fi

4 izar

There's some scientific explanation but it's needed for the story, so it's well done. You also get to emotionally bond with the characters, which is rare in the 'harder' sci-fi. Very enjoyable.

The Cartographers (Hardcover, William Morrow & Company, William Morrow) 3 izar

What is the purpose of a map?

Nell Young’s whole life and greatest passion is …

A missed opportunity

2 izar

I just can't recommend this book. The premise is interesting and the plot structure kept me curious. But the constant recapping and sophomoric relationships killed it. I just didn't care by the end.

I probably should've read other reviews first, but a book about maps! Too bad.

The Last Chairlift (2022, Simon & Schuster) 3 izar

In Aspen, Colorado, in 1941, Rachel Brewster is a slalom skier at the National Downhill …

Great characters, repetitive story

3 izar

The book has great characters you get to know well, like most Irving novels. He also explores some new main themes in skiing and LGBTQ+ issues.

But he repeats a bit too much, annoyingly. And I know of no other author that gets so hung up on his secondary themes. It's like Irving bingo. See if any of these ring a bell: author protagonist, Austria-love, a super short man, hotel fixations, wrestling!, a hint of incest, boarding school... It's got 'em all. Also, make sure you like reading screenplays; there's a few interlaced in the narrative.