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duela 8 hilabete, 2 aste(e)an batu zen

Experimenting with moving my "want to read" list here.

With luck, this might also encourage me to read more regularly, to balance the ambitious addition of books to said reading list against my recent reading habits...

I guess we'll see about that.

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(e)k Ling Ma(r)en Severance kritika egin du

Severance (Hardcover, 2018, Farrar, Straus and Giroux) 5 izar

Candace Chen, a millennial drone self-sequestered in a Manhattan office tower, is devoted to routine. …

The end of the world, or the end of capitalism?

5 izar

“Someone once said that it is easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism. We can now revise that and witness the attempt to imagine capitalism by way of imagining the end of the world.” (Fredric Jameson)

I read this book in 2021, which no doubt coloured my intrepretation of it, but it's left a lasting impression. A really biting portrayal of modern "knowledge work", and the increasing absurdity of Candace's life as the wheels gradually fall off her world...

How Music Works (2013, McSweeney's) 4 izar

Revised and updated edition.

Mixed bag, but some gems in here

4 izar

This book incorporates some chapters that were originally published elsewhere, and it is really a collection of essays around the common theme of music. There's a mix of personal theories of music and composition, discussions of the primacy of context in music, advice on more practical topics such as the music business or "How to create a Scene", and some biographical accounts of creative process. I enjoyed the biographical elements the most, although I felt some had probably been simplified and sanitised a little for the book - I know enough history of Talking Heads to guess that some of these sessions probably came together a bit less smoothly when everyone was "in the room"!

Some chapters have aged noticeably, but this provides something of a historical snapshot. For example, the chapter on the music business mentions multiple "new" distribution companies. A decade later only iTunes, Amazon, and Bandcamp are …