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Math teacher, writer

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(e)k Jim Butcher(r)en Fool Moon kritika egin du

Fool Moon (2001, Roc) 4 izar

Dresden is a wizard that resides in Chicago. He is the only wizard in the …

Review of Fool Moon

4 izar

A wizard detective takes on werewolves in Chicago. Mystery, suspense, action in an old-school-gumshoe style. Similar strengths and weakness to the first entry in the Dresden Files. Fun and surprising enough to get me to pick up the third, but I have a feeling that might be it for me.

(e)k Jim Butcher(r)en Storm Front kritika egin du

Storm Front (Paperback, 2000, ROC, New American Library) 4 izar

The novels of the Dresden Files have become synonymous with action-packed urban fantasy and non-stop …

Review of Storm Front

3 izar

Engaging and suspenseful first entry in the tales of the wizard-detective Harry Dresden. A page-turner in the style of old-time detective stories. Relies on an adolescent masculinity that is a bit off-putting, but I hear the series improves, and will give the next book a shot.

Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction (2015, Crown, Crown Publishers) 5 izar

Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction is a book by Philip E. Tetlock and …

Review of Superforecasting

5 izar

Superforecasting tells the story of psychologist Philip Tetlock’s project to systematically evaluate the predictions of experts. What exactly does an advisor mean when they tell the President that a military operation has a “good chance” of being successful? It wasn’t so long ago that no one thought to even ask such a question, and as Tetlock shows, the consequences couldn’t be more real. Tetlock’s work led to the development of the Good Judgement project, a forecasting competition designed to identify the characteristics of “superforecasters”, individuals with a quantifiable talent for predicting how world events will unfold. It’s a great book, and one I was partly inspired to read because of my involvement in a student forecasting tournament based on the Good Judgement project (where our students took first and second place overall!)