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Jim Brown

duela urte 1, 6 hilabete(e)an batu zen English professor Teaches and studies rhetoric and digital studies Director of the Rutgers-Camden Digital Studies Center (DiSC):

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(e)k A Spectre, Haunting(r)en kritika egin du

A Spectre, Haunting (2022, Haymarket Books) 4 izar

China Miéville's brilliant reading of the modern world's most controversial and enduring political document: the …

A book about how to read

Baloraziorik ez

A book about how to read, and a wonderful demonstration of the method. This is about the Manifesto, it's history, its debates, its import, but it's also just about how to read generously and rigorously:

“The only reasonable way to read the Manifesto - or anything - is to be as flexible as the text itself.”

“We should strive to read as generously as possible - and to read ruthlessly beyond that generosity’s limits.”

One of the best books I've read, full stop. It made me want to dig back into Miéville's fiction, especially since The City and The City is another favorite of mine.

Before the Coffee Gets Cold (2021) 5 izar

In a small back alley of Tokyo, there is a café that has been serving …

meditative time travel novel

Baloraziorik ez

This started slow for me, but I did eventually get into it. It could easily be staged as a play, and I think the time travel piece is somewhat interesting (though, the author does try to get around the inevitable plot holes of a time travel story with a series of unexplained "rules").

The Dawn of Everything (Hardcover, 2021, Signal) 5 izar

For generations, our remote ancestors have been cast as primitive and childlike--either free and equal …

An account of how unimaginative we seem to be at the moment

Baloraziorik ez

How else could we organize ourselves? How did we lose "the ability freely to recreate ourselves by recreating our relations with one another"?

This book gets into the weeds of anthropology and archaeology, but it's "zoom out" moments are really interesting. The Rousseau/Hobbes debate leaves out much and, they argue, makes everything much more boring than in actually is, given the actual data available about previous social arrangements.

How did we get stuck? We have forgotten that social organization have been a matter of play, tinkering, and sometimes is even dependent on things like seasonal changes. It feels like we are in the least playful and least imaginative epoch, succumbing to the ideology of Thatcher's "There is no alternative."

One interesting set of arguments in the book is about scale. Received wisdom says that structures of domination are tied to population scaling up. Larger, more dense populations means complexity, which …

The End of Vandalism (Paperback, 2006, Grove Press) Baloraziorik ez

Welcome to Grouse County, somewhere in the Midwest, where the towns are small but the …

Amazing Portrait of the U.S. Midwest

Baloraziorik ez

Edukiari buruzko abisua mentions a large plot point toward the end of the novel

How High We Go in the Dark (Hardcover, 2022, William Morrow) 5 izar

Beginning in 2030, a grieving archeologist arrives in the Arctic Circle to continue the work …

Pandemic novel about generational strife

Baloraziorik ez

I didn't expect this pandemic/space travel novel to be so much about children who are disappointing their parents.

This felt more like an interconnected collection of short stories in the same world than a novel. In that sense, it was similar to Rion Amilcar Scott's The World Doesn't Require you.

(e)k Cormac McCarthy(r)en Stella Maris kritika egin du

Stella Maris (2022, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group) Baloraziorik ez

When We Cease to Understand the World, but a novel

Baloraziorik ez

If you liked Labatut's When We Cease to Understand the World, then you'll like this.

I can't imagine the amount of research into mathematics and physics that McCarthy had to do in order to write both this and The Passenger.

A final note: There is significant overlap in the worldview of Alicia and No Country For Old Men's Anton Chigurh, which really has me wondering about the worldview of Cormac McCarthy...because that worldview is pretty bleak.

The golden notebook (2007, Harper Perennial) Baloraziorik ez

The story of the inner and outer life of Anna, a young writer, single mother …

what gets left out

Baloraziorik ez

Not so sure what to say about this one or what to think about it. It's long, and at times tedious, but it's also really interesting. It offers a picture of both the cynicism and hope embedded in socialist and communist circles during the middle 20th Century. It also is very focused on the act of "naming"...and how that act pins things down, "buttons them up," and sometimes even gives relief.

A novel about the process of writing a novel, about translating experience into something else, and about how that act of translation will always leave something out.

(e)k Gabrielle Zevin(r)en Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow kritika egin du

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow (Hardcover, 2022, Knopf) 4 izar

In this exhilarating novel, two friends--often in love, but never lovers--come together as creative partners …


Baloraziorik ez

At it's best moments, this book does a really great job of being both about games and evoking the if-then logic of games and game decision points. It also has interesting stuff about game engines (how they shape and constrain creation) and collaboration (the Jobs+Woz dynamic of a salesperson and a designer). It also feels like it was written for late Gen-X or early Millenials - references to Donkey Kong, Oregon Trail, Everquest, etc.

I think I would've liked it more if it were shorter...I liked the first half much better than the second, and some of that is because the latter half ends up pulling in mass shootings and 9-11 in a way that didn't feel like it connected with the core of the novel.

I should add that I listened to this, and I do think reading it would provide even more of that if-then logic. It's hard …

Extinction Internet (EBook, Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam) 3 izar

"How to salvage the ‘techno social’...without falling back into offline romanticism?"

Baloraziorik ez

Lovink writes like Adorno - a steady march of aphorisms, arranged in paragraphs. This is worth reading for a set of observations about how to reimagine the internet after platforms:

"The proposition here is a renewed notion of social networks with an emphasis on caring, tools for intergenerational computation that serve problem-resolution on all levels of the stack of crises. This is embedded thinking in which the question no longer is what we can do with the never-ending stream of downloadable apps that come and go from TikTok, Ethereum, Dall-E, Zoom and Clubhouse to BeReal and their hidden extractivism agendas. Let’s stop building Web3 solutions for problems that do not exist and launch tools that decolonize, redistribute value, conspire and organize." (48)

Playbook for progressives (2011, Beacon Press) Baloraziorik ez

Organizing is Inductive

Baloraziorik ez

I'm including books that I read for research here, meaning that I'm including books that I skim or "read around" in. This was one of those books.

This is an interesting guide for organizing, and it's pretty specifically focused on the interpersonal dimensions of organizing. My main focus at the moment is the infrastructure of organizing, and that gets less attention in this book.

One thing that occurred to me while reading this book (a really obvious point that probably is more about my own gaps in knowledge than the book itself) was that organizing tends to begin from specific issues or campaigns and then spiders outward to question of infrastructure, sustainability, and eventually broader structural change. Organizing tends to be inductive, and I guess I'd never really thought about that prior to reading Mann's description of campaigns like the Los Angeles Bus Riders Union. What began as a specific …