Erabiltzailearen profila

Jon Fincher

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Voted "Most Likely To Be Found With His Nose In A Book" in grade school. Now, it would be "Most Likely To Be Found With His Nose In An E-Book Reader".

Fiction: Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Speculative. Love long series, as long as they keep moving. Non-Fiction: History/Philosophy/Tech.

I started with the old school SFF authors -- Asimov, Clarke, Tolkein, Moorcock, etc. -- then found (and was blown away by) Stephen Donaldson in high school. As I got older, I started reading Hugo award winning authors, and discovered great names like Robert Sawyer, Paolo Bacigalupi, Anne Leckie, N. K. Jemisin (!), Charlie-Jane Anders, and Tamsyn Muir.

I can't wait to see who I discover next.

Calibre FTW.

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Gideon the Ninth (EBook, 2019, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 4 izar

"The Emperor needs necromancers.

The Ninth Necromancer needs a swordswoman.

Gideon has a sword, some …

Review of 'Gideon the Ninth' on 'Goodreads'

5 izar


Just... wow.

This was a hell of a fun ride. I love stories which just throw you into the world, and expect you to figure it out as the story goes along. That is, as long as the author can give you enough clues and description and character development to show you the world she's building.

And Tamsyn Muir is more than capable of doing just that. She is a wonderful writer, and I would read anything else she chooses to write, no matter the genre or material. Hell, even the Acknowledgements at the end of the book were entertaining.

I won't give the plot away, except to say that this is a great twist on the traditional swords-and-sorcery fantasy genre, with a bit of a sci-fi element. Her characters are modern and smart and three-dimensional. The dialogue is crisp and funny and sometimes poignant and always moving …