Erabiltzailearen profila


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My BookWyrm Account. Runner, artist, musician, book nerd and privacy advocate. I'm the owner of Techlore & co-host of Surveillance Report.

I've been developing privacy resources for nearly a decade, using my voice and expertise to spread privacy & security to the masses. I play the role of CEO, content creator, consultant, video producer, and more.


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Erabiltzailearen aktibitatea

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Millennium, #1) (2008) 5 izar

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (original title in Swedish: Män som hatar kvinnor, lit. …

I spent 4 hours finishing the book, then I went for a run.

5 izar

The first half captured me, the second half was…insane. I picked an intense read for my first fiction book in years. When I finished, all I could do was grab my running shoes and go for a run, even though I already ran in the morning. It was a lot to process, and I needed the run to work through it.

Heavy, dark, insightful, scary, and beautiful. So happy I read it. And the broad theme of violence (and hatred) towards women is beautifully crafted into the story.

(e)k Johann Hari(r)en Stolen Focus kritika egin du

Stolen Focus (2022, Crown Publishing Group, The) 5 izar

Really Fantastic, A Must-Read

5 izar

I was expecting Stolen Focus to predominantly focus on digital focus, and the negative impacts big tech companies have on our attention. That’s definitely a good portion of this book, which was incredibly insightful, but there are many more concepts tied to focus I had never considered which were equally amazing to learn about.

Diet, environment, social factors, economy, politics, and more. Stolen Focus ties relations between the focus crisis to the climate crisis, the obesity crisis, the mental health crisis, and much more. These are all interlinked problems which feed on each other in disastrous ways.

This book is not a “how to reclaim your focus” guide, it’s rather a thorough investigation into how and why focus is so important, and what has happened to it. It gives you the context and understanding required to not just fight back personally, but socially.

Writing-wise, I was thoroughly impressed with the …

(e)k Tom Greenwood(r)en Sustainable Web Design kritika egin du

Sustainable Web Design (A Book Apart) 2 izar

The internet may be digital, but it carries a very physical cost. From image files …

Could’ve Been A Blog Post

2 izar

This is a tiny book, and the actual takeaway information is even tinier. While context is very important and I’m happy the book covers the importance of sustainability, I found myself skipping through many pages. I was looking for something with more technical advice and things to do to improve web page efficiency. This book has many great tips, it just requires some unnecessary reading to get there. I think a blog post with the core takeaways would’ve been a better medium for this book.

If you’re brand new to web design, this may be a great book. If you’re already fairly well-versed and already have a decent understanding of the sustainable considerations of building a site, you’ll find a lot of this book to probably be skipworthy.

The Icarus Deception How High Will You Fly (2012, Portfolio) 5 izar

Really Great Reminders

5 izar

The oddest thing reading this book was realizing how much I likely related to much of it several years ago, but slowly fell away from these important ideals.

I think the longer you spend working on something you’re passionate about, the easier it is to lose your original vision and get lost in the BS that doesn’t matter.

This was a great reminder to put me back on the right track of how to make good art. What good art means. And why my art really matters.

This book will show you that art is simple, it’s nothing fancy and isn’t reserved for the elite. But that doesn’t make it easy.

Like most things in life, simple doesn’t always mean easy.

Reading through this book has ignited some passion I thought was long gone.

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running (2008) 2 izar

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running (走ることについて語るときに僕の語ること, Hashiru Koto ni Tsuite Kataru …

Honestly…A Painful Read

2 izar

I went in with high expectations for this book. Running has been a massive part of my life since I was 8 years old, and getting to hear new perspectives on running was all I was expecting from this book.

Unfortunately, this book reads like a mid-level runner giving us a stream of consciousness about running; some of what’s shared being accurate, and some not. He shares many theories as to why and how certain things work - mainly based on hunches. Some hunches are correct, and some not.

I’m going to choose to ignore the frustrating number of hunches the author utilizes in place of science, and instead focus on the philosophy and emotional aspects of this book. (Which are the only somewhat redeeming parts of it)

Even in this realm, I really struggled to connect with the author with the exception of a few pages. A huge part …

The Untethered Soul (2007, New Harbinger Publications/ Noetic Books) 5 izar

Apparently I’ve Had a Roommate in My Head My Whole Life

5 izar

I don’t know where to start this review, though a bit of context is necessary:

I’ve never been a spiritual person, so I was expecting this book to challenge my perception of things. I also wasn’t planning on finding much value from it, my exceptions were fairly low. Well that was all wrong.

While some parts of this book are still difficult for me to wrap my head around, I can officially say this book is formally my first real experience with exploring my spiritual side.

I’ve always been a “recognize the issue” then “fix the issue” kind of person. Extremely logical, accepting all my life experiences as the reality. If these life experiences deviated from my internal concept of reality, then I need to go through some emotional stress to re-integrate what I learned from the event into my new reality.

It’s not a terrible strategy, and it’s been …

(e)k Katy Bowman(r)en Move Your DNA kritika egin du

Move Your DNA (Paperback, 2017, Propriometrics Press) 4 izar

"In Move Your DNA, biomechanist Katy Bowman explains our deep need for movement - right …

A big mental shift!

4 izar

Context: I'm big into exercise, an almost daily runner getting in 50-60 miles a week during the season. With that said, I had a hunch my lifestyle when I finished my runs wasn’t fantastic. So I picked up this book and I’m very glad I did!

Starting with the positives:

1) This book changed my relationship with movement. A bike ride can be exercise or movement. Exercise is forcing yourself on a 30 minute ride to move. Movement is riding your bike to the grocery store. Movement is a byproduct of your lifestyle. Exercise is a byproduct of lack of movement.

This mental shift exposes the toxic modern-day relationship we have with movement. Since we live such sedentary lives, we've invented this concept of 'exercise' to prescribe ourselves 20-60 minute intervals where we try to fit in all the movement we need into a single session. It's the closest thing …

The Demon-Haunted World (Paperback, 1997, Ballantine Books) 5 izar

How can we make intelligent decisions about our increasingly technology-driven lives if we don’t understand …

Eye opening? Grim? Depressing? Optimistic? Let’s just call it a roller coaster.

5 izar

Context on why I was sent this epub from my friend in the first place:

I was perplexed over people’s obsession with the most bizarre nonsense. Astrology, crystal healing, modern witchcraft, and many more things I see all too often. My friend suggested this book and sent me over an epub as they felt it’d give nice context around the phenomenon.

Well, I have a much deeper understanding of the issue after reading this book. Sagan deeply loves science and has made me view science in a completely new light, it’s truly inspirational. I’m doing so, he covers pseudoscience and the many wonders of why we believe in things we believe in. Little did I know my questions of why people believe crystals cure cancer has a lot to do with our belief in witches (leading to thousands of burned women at the stake just a few centuries ago) and …

How to Live: 27 conflicting answers and one weird conclusion (2021, Sivers Inc) 4 izar

Perplexed, in a good way?

4 izar

Edukiari buruzko abisua Definitely spoilers

(e)k Jerry Lynch(r)en Running Within kritika egin du

Running Within (Paperback, 1999, Human Kinetics Publishers) 4 izar

Overall a great book

4 izar

Let me start with the good.

I found this book to offer fresh insight on what it means to run, as well as actionable tips to shift the mental and spiritual state of most people’s running to a more favorable one. Especially in westernized running, people run for results and outcomes - but that’s not really what running is about. You can chase results and outcomes from any activity or sport; what separates running is the act itself, the magical feeling of gliding through the air and immersing yourself into a mystical world untraveled by most.

I actually read this book in high school, and while it did help me understand the importance of visualization, I feel the core message of this book was lost on me - being a less experienced runner. Reading this years later, I now understand what this book is trying to convey and teach.

So …

Daniels' running formula (2013, Human Kinetics) 4 izar

Alright, but not much new info for advanced runners

4 izar

It was a nice refresher read, with occasional bits of wisdom that were useful. With that said, not much in this book was very new information to me, as my own training seems to closely align with much of the book already.

Additionally, some recommendations aren’t really grounded in real science - like him recommending to land on your heels, especially on downhills? (What?!) And most importantly the 180spm figure which is a bizarre recommendation, given it’s based on the step count of elites mid-race. Why does the step count of elites mid-race being an average of 180spm mean anything to a novice runner on an easy day?

First, it’s an average. So there is natural variance amongst athletes. Second, we know SPM increases as pace increases - so a race environment isn’t representative of any running pace aside from the pace of the athletes running in that specific race. …

(e)k Henry David Thoreau(r)en Walden kritika egin du

Walden (2014) 5 izar

Henry Thoreau's "Walden" is a book about escaping from civilization in order to embrace your …

Ahead of its time & beyond thought-provoking!

5 izar

The emotions while I read this book were bouncing around the room.

One chapter has me yelling in agreement with Thoreau on his pro-animal stances toward hunting and dieting. The next on minimalism - inspiring me to gather more things I no longer need to donate. The next makes me put the book down to be high on nature. The next makes me rethink civil obedience and give up all I’m doing to commit to being my truest self with no external influences.

No review I am able to give can properly outline how impactful this book has been on the way I see the world. The philosophies are still ever true today, and Thoreau’s definition of “dull man” still appears to be the overwhelming majority of society today - all busy slaving away for the objects and powers that only serve to trap and control them.

Excellent read, all …

The School of Life (EBook, The School of Life) 5 izar

Emotional intelligence affects every aspect of the way we live, from romantic to professional relationships, …

Must-Read. Should be mandatory reading.

5 izar

I can’t begin to express how much better the world would be if everyone read this book. This book covers:

  • trauma
  • emotional intelligence
  • art
  • childhoods
  • therapy
  • relationships
  • communication
  • self knowledge
  • self growth
  • psychology
  • economy
  • so much more

This quite literally is “The School of Life” and it’s a book that will continue to feed valuable information as we grow and develop. Once we hit a new phase in our life, a new portion of this book is likely to influence us in new ways and add important insight into why we feel the way we do.

We are all broken, and we will always be broken. That’s humanity. But learning why and how we are broken and learning to navigate it is the best we can do.

If you haven’t read this, you’re seriously missing out.

Circadian rhythms : a very short introduction (2017, Oxford University Press) 3 izar

Information-Dense, Not as practical as I was expecting

3 izar

I went into this book expecting to: A) Learn more about circadian rhythms B) Learn how to navigate it for optimum health C) Learn how to navigate it for optimum performance (from an athletic point of view)

This book is overwhelmingly A, with very little B & C. This is more of a condensed science book than a practical book - which is totally okay! Just not quite what I was expecting. Definitely a classic example of a mismatch between what a book offers and what the reader expects - and this is predominately a fault of mine as there is no indication there is very much of B or C at all.

Either way, I learned a lot of neat things and definitely have a new perspective on our natural biological clock, so still a good read!

The simplicity cycle (2015) 3 izar

"The Simplicity Cycle provides readers with a roadmap for designing winning new products, services, and …

Great concept, great ideas, but ironically dragged out...

3 izar

The good: The ideas in this book are well articulated & universally applicable to a majority of our lives. Much of our work, health, lives, and relationships are needlessly complex - and this book visually demonstrates why this is a problem and what the general approach is to simplify things.

The bad: This book was twice as long as it needed to be.

If you've never dove into the concepts of minimalism & simplicity for your daily lifestyle, this is a great starting point for the necessary mindset. It's intentionally universal to all applications, professions, people, etc. which also works against it - since If you're looking for a step-by-step guide to simplify a specific area of your life, you won't find it here.