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Black lives matter Be gay do crimes ACAB

Pronouns: it/they

Living in occupied ancestral lands of the Osage nation (St. Louis, Missouri)

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Erabiltzailearen aktibitatea

Cloud Cuckoo Land (Hardcover, 2021, Scribner) 4 izar

A book about the power of books and stories

4 izar

It's a long novel but it didn't feel like it was wasting words. It's a few stories told at once about different people living in different places at different times. One thing that links the stories is none of the main characters are satisfied with the hand they were dealt in life, and the stories explore how they deal with that. Some threads (Constantinople) engaged me sooner than others (Argos), but by the end I was interested in everything, and it all came together in a satisfying way.

There also was some queer representation in the novel, and I like that sort of thing.

(e)k Joseph Heller(r)en Catch-22 kritika egin du

Catch-22 (1995, Knopf) 2 izar

Catch-22 is like no other novel. It has its own rationale, its own extraordinary character. …


2 izar

I decided it was finally time to read Catch-22 so I could get the cultural references that come up from time to time. I couldn't finish it.

In each chapter, we meet some odd characters with odd names that are probably supposed to make the reader laugh. We encounter some kind of circular logic. We have an absurd situation. And nothing really changes, and then we move onto the next chapter with new odd-named characters, new circular logic, new absurdities. 8 chapters into the book I skimmed through the chapter titles, which are nearly all odd character names, and realized it was likely going to be the same pattern again and again. The problem is that I wasn't entertained, and so in the middle of my 8th mission I decided that it just wasn't worth it and deserted. I won't make it to 42 missions.

Repetition to drive home a …

(e)k Morgan Thomas(r)en Manywhere kritika egin du

Manywhere (Hardcover, 2022, MCD) 4 izar

The nine stories in Morgan Thomas's shimmering debut collection witness Southern queer and genderqueer characters …

A queer/trans/genderqueer short story collection

4 izar

Things that author Morgan Thomas does well: their prose is wonderful, they challenge us with flawed characters, and they color their stories with the history and character of the US South.

It's difficult for me to review an entire story collection so I'll focus on one of my favorites, "Bump". Louie, a trans woman, is so delighted to be asked if she's expecting a child by a coworker that she plays along, with the aid of the titular mail-order pregnancy bump. Louie, like all Morgan's flawed characters, makes choices I can't agree with but I still find her so relatable and love her so much. The author's painting of the intense yearning for something the body isn't capable of is so moving, and it's such a trans experience.

(e)k Chana Porter(r)en The Seep kritika egin du

The Seep (2020, Soho Press) 4 izar

A blend of searing social commentary and speculative fiction, Chana Porter’s fresh, pointed debut is …

The Seep

4 izar

The Seep is a story about grief, more than anything else. The description of how Trina deals with her grief is well written. But I give the book only 3 stars because it feels shallow. How do we have multiple characters who turn out to be so important to Trina and her journey, without us learning much about them? I finished the book in an evening, and felt that perhaps something important had gone over my head because the story just seemed to be missing something. Trina is native, and Jewish, and trans. Does any of her identity and cultural background influence how she deals with the world created by the arrival of the Seep? It feels like it should be relevant, and I can speculate, but if there were hints from the author I missed them.

Despite the shallowness, the parts that are there are very good. Porter creates …