Erabiltzailearen profila


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I primarily read science fiction, but I will also read some general fiction, and even an interesting autobiography.

I love The Dark Tower series by Stephen King. I'm not sure if anything I'll ever read will supplant it as my favorite thing to read.

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Erabiltzailearen aktibitatea

Don't forget Dexter! (2018, Two Lions) Baloraziorik ez

When his best friend, Jack, leaves him behind at the doctor's office, Dexter T. Rexter …

Dexter should see a therapist

Baloraziorik ez

This dinosaur has some serious anxiety and abandonment issues.

The book was entertaining, my son liked to look at the pictures, and it was short enough to get through in a couple of minutes, before he stopped paying attention.

Unlocking the air and other stories (1996) 4 izar

Unlocking the Air and Other Stories is a 1996 collection of short stories by Ursula …

Review of 'Unlocking the air and other stories' on 'Goodreads'

4 izar

I'm glad I stuck with this book longer than the other people who borrowed it from the library and left their bookmarks in the middle of a couple of stories. The first story was very confusing, but the rest made a lot more sense, and were fantastical.

That Hideous Strength (2005, Voyager) 4 izar

The third novel in the science-fiction trilogy by C.S. Lewis. This final story is set …

Review of 'That Hideous Strength' on 'Goodreads'

4 izar

This one really took some getting into after the last two in the series. I couldn't tell how it was part of the same series until about half way through.

By the end I was fully invested, and now I find myself sad that there will never be another book in the series. I'm not sure if I've ever read a series written by an author who has since died, but it's kind of sad.

Anyway, well worth reading!