Erabiltzailearen profila

Ed H

duela 9 hilabete, 2 aste(e)an batu zen

Old punk/metalhead with three skateboards and a penchant for collecting cults.

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Ed H(r)en liburuak

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Erabiltzailearen aktibitatea

Review of 'The Nothing that Is' on 'Goodreads'

2 izar

I abandoned it two chapters shy of the end. I just couldn’t stand it anymore. Kaplan takes two chapters to say a paragraph worth of stuff and in the most florid, erudite way possible. Don’t write about hard stuff like math and make it harder with your style.

(e)k Kurt Vonnegut(r)en Deadeye Dick kritika egin du

Deadeye Dick (2010) 5 izar

This is not Deadeye Dick, it is "Fanaticism explained

Review of 'Deadeye Dick' on 'Goodreads'

5 izar

I think this must be the the first Kurt Vonnegut I have ever read, and I’m kicking myself that I’ve misspent almost 50 years. I loved this book. His writing is so pointed, sarcastic, and economical — the ideas slide into the grooves of my brain like a clean, well-oiled Springfield rifle. I don’t recall another writer whose words so closely aligned with how my brain functions.

I can’t wait to pick up another of his books.