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Good Omens (2006, William Morrow) 5 izar

Armageddon only happens once, you know. They don't let you go around again until you …

Review of 'Good Omens : The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch' on 'Storygraph'

4 izar

I was a little surprised by this one. Maybe I’m not the right target audience but I found it all just a tiny bit too whimsical for me. I still thoroughly enjoyed it though, just not 5 stars enjoyed it

Throne of the Crescent Moon (2012, DAW) 3 izar

The Crescent Moon Kingdoms, home to djenn and ghuls, holy warriors and heretics, are at …

Review of 'Throne of the Crescent Moon' on 'Storygraph'

3 izar

This has to be one of the most disappointing books I’ve read since Name of the Wind. I have been wanting to read it for years but what a letdown. The setting and characters were initially very interesting and I enjoyed the whole ‘Islamic fantasy story’ aspect but the author was just not up to the task I think. The other reviews seem to have nailed it so I’m not going to repeat but I’m just left with the feeling this could have been extraordinary in the hands of a competent author