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Alija ๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿด Blokeatutako kontua

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Alija ๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿด(r)en liburuak

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Erabiltzailearen aktibitatea

The One and the Other (Paperback, 2021, BoD) 5 izar

The town of Athens is an unfortunate place for all vampireโ€” humans who psychically absorb โ€ฆ

Can't wait for next book!!

5 izar

Aaah, this was such a needed read for me ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ Every once in a while I come across something that really hits me the right way and just keep the pages turning, and this did that with an amazing blend of gripping story, relatable characters, and a healthy dose of samhรคllskritik. It made me think and feel, and I wholeheartedly recommend it โค๏ธโœŠ๐Ÿด

Why Fish Don't Exist (2020, Simon Schuster) 5 izar

So much more

5 izar

Edukiari buruzko abisua A little spoilery perhaps

Desert (The Anarchist Library) Baloraziorik ez

Existential crisis, but like, in a good way?

Baloraziorik ez

So, this one has been on my list for a while, and I finally got around to it when I realized I could browse The Anarchist Library on the cash-register screen at work.

In combination with a subsequent drug-aided empathic interaction with a tick, this threw me for quite a spin, not quite knowing how to value or relate to life, death, and all that juicy metaphysical stuff.

Now, a couple weeks later, and having interspersed these chapters with some somewhat more cheerfull - or at least less gloomy - green anarchist theory, I've come out the other end closer to myself and my immediate surroundigs.

tl;dr: I can't put this into stars, but I spend way more time watching insects and listening to birds now.

Ishmael (1995, Bantam) 5 izar

Ishmael is a 1992 philosophical novel by Daniel Quinn. The novel examines the hidden cultural โ€ฆ


5 izar

Wow... I mean, it's essentially an essay surrounded by quotation marks and the words "Ishmael said", but oh, what an essay!

Really forces you to confront some difficult and rewarding to answer questions about culture and civilized society.

"Must read" for anyone dabbling in anarchist or leftist theory, but probably quite enjoyable for folx not doing so.