Erabiltzailearen profila

Ben :bc:

duela 3 aste, egun 1(e)an batu zen

Hi, I'm Ben.

I'm a heady mix of a serious responsible grown up man and a stupid man-baby idiot with delusions of grandeur.

I'm a big nerd, really into music, cooking, books, films and scifi. I hate/love running and generally love being outdoors.



Want to buy me a coffee?

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Erabiltzailearen aktibitatea

To all you lovely folks still on - I don't know if you're aware, but your instance is being swarmed with spam accounts and bots. Lots of instances and people are defederating/blocking because of it. You might want to consider having a look at switching instances. 😊

Edit - a few people have been worried they'd have to start all over again on a new instance but that is NOT THE CASE! (hurrah!)

You can easily move over all of your following/followers/lists! Simply set up a new account then transfer everything over. The only thing you'll lose is your old toots (and who needs them anyway - that was the old you!).

Here's a link to help -