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Inching my way back to reading for fun. Reviews in English and German, depending on the language I read the book in.

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To Be Taught, If Fortunate (Paperback, 2020, Hodder Paperbacks) 5 izar

At the turn of the twenty-second century, scientists make a breakthrough in human spaceflight. Through …

It's been a journey!

5 izar

When i started reading this novella, I falsely assumed it was part of the Wayfarers cycle. It's not, but it's also not important.

The book recounts the journey of four astronauts from earth. It tells of their struggles and joys, their passions and woes. I thoroughly enjoyed the way the story unfolds, the characters are painted and the way they are interacting with each other. And, without spoiling it, I really loved how the author decided to end the book.

I finished the book two days ago. I am still enchanted.

(e)k Becky Chambers(r)en Record of a Spaceborn Few kritika egin du

Record of a Spaceborn Few (AudiobookFormat, 2018, HarperAudio) 5 izar

Centuries after the last humans left Earth, the Exodus Fleet is a living relic, a …

My current favorite from the series

5 izar

As with every book by Becky Chambers that I have read, I struggled in the beginning. The pacing is different in each of her books, the characters have loose links to past storylines at best, and I always need time to ease myself into the new perspectives that slowly develop.

But this book! Yes, it starts slow. But when the story finally takes off, when things start to converge, the payoff is well worth it.

I was smitten with the worldbuilding that was even more intricate and well thought-out than in previous books of the series. I loved the characters, the way they explore facets of the society they inhabit. And in the end, I enjoyed the way the story develops.

I also needed tissues, but that's me.

(e)k Becky Chambers(r)en A Closed and Common Orbit kritika egin du

A Closed and Common Orbit (Paperback, 2017, Hodder & Stoughton) 4 izar

Once, Lovelace had eyes and ears everywhere. She was a ship's artificial intelligence system - …

The two main characters just weren't for me

3 izar

Thoroughly enjoyed the worldbuilding and the story, but I felt like I had to do the work to relate to the characters. They both start off at points in their lives that are unique, interesting - and hard to wrap my head around. The author does a great job giving them distinct voices and letting them grow over time, but I just found them too far removed to really get into the book.

The secondary characters, however! I really loved reading about them from the perspectives of the protagonists, and as always, the interactions are wonderfully crafted.