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Learning Go: An Idiomatic Approach to Real-World Go Programming (2021, O'Reilly Media) 4 izar

Go is rapidly becoming the preferred language for building web services. While there are plenty …

A practical and helpful guide to learning Go

4 izar

This book provides many of the idioms and short-cuts to learning Go that you otherwise have to learn from experience. It's not trying to be a "complete reference" type of book that spends 1000 pages covering every detail. Some topics are skimmed over a bit, while others that are more unique to Go or appear quirky to programmers that know other languages are given more explanation.

Be sure to check the errata on the publisher's website before diving deep into the book.

CQRS by Example (EBook, 2022, Leanpub) 4 izar

Command-Query Responsibility Segregation is an architectural style for developing applications that split the Domain Model …

Clear and concise explanation of CQRS

4 izar

A thorough and easy-to-follow explanation of the composition and tradeoffs of CQRS systems. There is one chapter about Event Sourcing which provides the theoretical and practical contrasts between the two approaches.

This is a code-heavy book and the code is written in PHP, but it's pretty clear and should be easy to translate to other languages.

Having at least a minimal understanding of Domain Driven Design would be helpful before reading this book.

The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win is the …

A good (though old) message wrapped in a bad novel

2 izar

As a novel, this is as bad as it gets. The dialog is awful, the plot is nonsensical, and the characters are like bizarre cardboard cutouts; totally one-dimensional, yet totally unrealistic.

The message that the book is trying to get across may have been more impactful in 2013, but it feels like ancient history now in 2023. There are better books about DevOps that don't spend hundreds of pages telling a hokey story about why it's important.