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(e)k Charlotte E. English(r)en Black Mercury kritika egin du

Black Mercury (EBook) 4 izar

A steampunk fantasy adventure brimming with wit and fun.

Caspar Goldstein: a rich, charming steamcar …

A fast paced adventure in a cool steam-industrial town

4 izar

The story starts up a little slow but suddenly things start happening, and a real adventure starts. It felt like at about the same time the characters came alive as well. Although the first chapters weren't all that promising, I ended up enjoying this thoroughly.

The Drifting Isle Chronicles is a shared steampunk world, where multiple authors have written their books. This was my first encounter, and I'm looking forward to reading the others as well!

The Girl in the Steel Corset
                Steampunk Chronicles (2011, Harlequin) 2 izar

Not as good as the prequel

2 izar

Edukiari buruzko abisua Generic statement about the ending.