Kritikak eta Iruzkinak


duela urte 1, 2 hilabete(e)an batu zen

I have too many hobbies and I read just a little about each. I am finally getting better at reading fiction (Becky Chamber, Dan Moren)!

In my "spare time" I run the Mastodon instance at

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A Closed and Common Orbit (Paperback, 2017, Hodder & Stoughton) 4 izar

Once, Lovelace had eyes and ears everywhere. She was a ship's artificial intelligence system - …

Review of 'A Closed and Common Orbit' on 'Goodreads'

5 izar

A wonderful sequel

This book went an entirely different direction from the first in the series, yet it was just as enjoyable. My favorite part of the book was the structure in which the two stories were told in parallel, coming together into a great finish. Can't wait for the third one!

A Closed and Common Orbit (Paperback, 2017, Hodder & Stoughton) 4 izar

Once, Lovelace had eyes and ears everywhere. She was a ship's artificial intelligence system - …

Review of 'A Closed and Common Orbit' on 'GoodReads'

5 izar

A wonderful sequel

This book went an entirely different direction from the first in the series, yet it was just as enjoyable. My favorite part of the book was the structure in which the two stories were told in parallel, coming together into a great finish. Can't wait for the third one!