Kritikak eta Iruzkinak

Snerk Rabbledauber

duela urte 1, 6 hilabete(e)an batu zen

Author of the Tales of the Incorrigible series:

Including the American Fiction Awards 2022 finalist: The Ouroboros of Oon

Esteka hau laster-leiho batean zabalduko da

Khyven the Unkillable (2022, Kennedy Publishing, Chris) 5 izar

High action fantasy!

5 izar

The characters are believable, complex, and likable. The setting has a deep back-story and fascinating elements. The action is relevant and important to the characters. What's not to love about this fantasy book? The closest thing is one action by the main character that I don't feel was sufficiently motivated at the time. All the groundwork was there for the decision, but the spark, or spur for the action was lacking. I did not deduct a star for this, though, since the rest of the book is so good.

I Love You, Apu (Paperback, 2018, Alpine Line Publishers LLC) 5 izar

Stereotypes exist in our society amongst all groups. Most of them do exist for a …

One East Indian's defense of Apu from the Simpsons

5 izar

This brief book (more of an essay really) was written to respond to the documentary "The Problem with Apu" by comic Hari Kondabolu. As you can guess by the documentary title, Hari has a problem with Apu, in fact several. But Shukla does not feel that all of them are fair criticisms, so he took time from writing his usual fare to respond in this short book. Shukla makes the point that Apu is far from a hateful negative stereotype, he is a hard working immigrant that runs his own business and, as shown in the many episodes that focus on him, he also leads a well rounded life with his own challenges and problems to overcome. I won't go into a complete analysis of Shukla's argument here. The book is only 39 pages, so I encourage you to get his argument in his own voice.

The colour of magic (Paperback, 1983, Smythe) 4 izar

On a world supported on the back of a giant turtle (sex unknown), a gleeful, …

A fantasy world for the irreverent

5 izar

This is the first of Pratchett's Discworld series. I have read and enjoyed others in the setting but had never read this one. In case you are new to it, the discworld is literally a disc-shaped world being carried through space on the backs of four elephants, which are standing on a great tortoise. As you can tell, the rules are all different in this world. If you are looking for deep history and fully formed fantasy languages keep looking. If you want a laugh-out-loud fun romp, open this happy tome.