Erabiltzailearen profila

Jenny Jaybles

duela 9 hilabete, 4 aste(e)an batu zen

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Erabiltzailearen aktibitatea

The  dispossessed (2003, Perennial Classics) 5 izar

E-book extra: In-depth study guide.Shevek, a brilliant physicist, decides to take action. He will seek …

I only had one problem with it

4 izar

Edukiari buruzko abisua Spoliers

Worlds of Exile and Illusion (Paperback, 2022, Tor Books) 5 izar


5 izar

Edukiari buruzko abisua Direct quote from book

Dead Astronauts (Paperback, 2020, Picador) 5 izar

A surrealist painting

5 izar

Imagine a surrealist painting in an apocalyptic landscape with bioengineered monsters. But that description does not do it justice. I am left with poignant images that have to be pieced together and ruminated on. Or I can stop trying to piece this narrative puzzle together and just accept the beautiful fragments as they are. The message of this novel is that the dread and violence at the end of the world will be searing but also there will be wonder and love.