Erabiltzailearen profila

Hannah Steenbock

duela urte 1(e)an batu zen

German author, dragonlover and dreamer. Writing Fantasy in English. Supports the Underdog, loves feel-good stories.

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The Last Vampire (EBook, OtherLove Publishing, LLC) 5 izar

There’s a smokin’ hot dead guy locked in my garden shed. That part’s bad enough. …

Amazing World Building, Hot Characters, Snark and Steam

5 izar

I thoroughly enjoyed this series - and getting the boxed set is definitely a bargain that's totally worth it.

Zhora is a cool character who has to deal with more than any human should. She does get help from a 700-year-old Vampire (is he ever the stiff Brit!), a Demon and his butler, and a snarky Fae - but all of that comes with a price. Or several. Because she also makes plenty of enemies, and the supernatural kind are hard to get rid of and even harder to kill.

I got a bit of whiplash from all the plot twists, but trust me, they do make sense. Definitely recommend.