Kritikak eta Iruzkinak


duela 8 hilabete, 2 aste(e)an batu zen

I mostly enjoy reading science fiction, fantasy, but will read thrillers, history, and whatever looks interesting. I have a slew of books that I kept track of on my own that I will slowly upload. I most likely will not comment, but if I am asked about one I will respond. I am a husband and dad of 4 all out of high school. Enjoy cooking, aquariums, and gardening. Quality manager for a chemical distribution company.

Yes, I am going through the directory looking for people to follow. If I am out of line, please let me know.

Esteka hau laster-leiho batean zabalduko da

(e)k Angeline Boulley(r)en Firekeeper's Daughter kritika egin du

Firekeeper's Daughter (2021, Holt & Company, Henry) 4 izar

As a biracial, unenrolled tribal member and the product of a scandal, Daunis Fontaine has …

Coming of Age Story

3 izar

Basic coming of age story. The write up is basically correct, but there are not a lot of deaths. Takes a couple of interesting turns and that is what makes it a decent story worth finishing..I listened to the audio book and it was performed very well.

To Sleep in a Sea of Stars (Hardcover, 2020, Tor Books) 4 izar

Kira Navárez dreamed of life on new worlds. Now she's awakened a nightmare. During a …

Trilogy Read

5 izar

I think this is three books that I listened to as a single book. Engaging but at times I was thinking “what is taking you so long to figure this out”. Aliens were quite alien but had human thought processes as well. I enjoyed it nonetheless, although I did not care for the Epilog.