My first post on @pixelfed — it’s awesome to see it pop up in my #Mastodon feed, it feels like magic.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the #Fediverse and #ActivityPub
Ikusi etiketatutako egoeran komunitate lokalean
My first post on @pixelfed — it’s awesome to see it pop up in my #Mastodon feed, it feels like magic.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the #Fediverse and #ActivityPub
So you want to take your #Mastodon thread and turn it into #markdown that you can copy/paste for, say, a blogpost?
With correct markdown for your hashtags, pictures and ALT text?
Well, you are very lucky as @vadim just updated his #MastoThreadRenderer at which now can do all of that and more :)
Test it at which I have just updated to the latest version.
(No content you put in there is stored on my server nor do I log/store anything about you)
📢 46 organitzacions alemanyes, entre elles #cooperatives energètiques, diuen adéu a #X #Twitter #ElonMusk com a reacció a la seva difusió i amplificació de discursos d'odi.
👏 Una gran decisió que esperem que altres organitzacions de tot arreu adoptin. Per començar, les de l'Economia Social i Solidària.
Algunes de les que han dit #ByeByeElon les trobareu al #Fedivers #Mastodon:
¿Qué recomendáis para hacer alojar una instancia de #activitypub para microblogging que permita importar todos los toots de #mastodon ?
Contra la sempre possible merdificació d'una plataforma (ara parlem de #Mastodon però podria ser qualsevol) la solució no és individual, sino col·lectiva i assemblearia. Per això @anartist no té Mastodon, Pixelfed... té "Social", "Picto"... Si decidim que volem canviar el Social a Akkoma o el Picto a Misskey, ho farem sense perdre el més important: La comunitat.
“The Kansas Reflector published an artical about Meta censoring environmental articles about climate change — deeming them ‘too controversial’.
Facebook then censored the article about Facebook censorship, and then after an independent site published a copy of the climate change article, Facebook censored it too.”
Welcome to the fediverse, friend.
#facebook #meta #fediverse #threads #mastodon #mastodonDotSocial #mastodonGGMBH
Hello @Gargron !
Please consider removing servers using outdated software from as they might be a risk for new users and the Mastodon experience will not be best nor the latest.
Some servers at such as ( have a public timeline filled of spam bots, yet encourages new users to join there which is unattended, unmoderated, the software is outdated and might present a bad experience and a security risk for the new users.
In my opinion, if a Mastodon server admin is not going to take care and update their instance when critical bugs appear, please consider removing such versions from, thanks!
Have a great day!
Ene, @birasuegi !
Zazpi kontu #Mastodonen! Zein da, ba, zureena, jarraitzekotan?
Wow, a lot of new people have appeared on here! Welcome! 👋 Do you want some help using this place?
If you have any questions about using Mastodon and the Fediverse, feel free to reply to this post or @ me or DM me!
This account also has a website full of easy-to-understand beginners' guides here:
Tercera actualización crítica de #Mastodon en poco tiempo...
No me da la vida!! A ver, mejor que se corrijan, pero a este ritmo...
At long last, the Thunderbird blog now has a "Share To Mastodon" button!
A hearty round of applause and eternal thanks to @micah, @oopsallnaps, and @devmount for making it happen 💙
I'm trying to convince the last friends I have left on Facebook, X, Threads, or BlueSky to join the Fediverse. Some have tried but felt a sense of loneliness. Nowadays, many people are so used to doing what algorithms suggest that they can no longer make independent choices.
My timeline here, on the other hand, is beautiful.
I see what I want, I follow people who post what I like, and no one tells me what I should do. Freedom may come with a "cost," but whatever it is, it's worth the effort. Always.
#Fediverse #Mastodon #SocialNetworks
#Mastodonen ez da "aipu bultzada" existitzen, Twitterren "quote tweet" edo QT deitzen dena alegia. Funtzionalitate hau saihestearen arrazoia, maiz, mezu toxikoak egiteko erabiltzen delako da; aipatutakoari min egiteko.
Erabileretako bat hori da, noski, baina baditu beste hainbat erabilera ere. Duela 12 hilabete Eugen Rochkok aukera hori gehitzea pentsatzen ari zirela esan zuen:
Baina "aipu bultzadak" edo "aipudun bultzadak" toxikoak izango lirateke Mastodonen?
For those, like me, who want their own space here and prefer self-hosting, I suggest considering snac2. I'm having a great experience with it, and it's easy to install and configure.
#SelfHosting #Mastodon #Snac2