4:48, 174 orrialde

English hizkuntza

2021ko abu. 12a(e)an Vulpine(e)n argitaratua.

Goodreads-en giltza:
5 izar (berrikuspen 1)

Battalion Chief Hunter Briggs is struggling with the loss of her wife. Just when she thinks she can't hold on anymore, she is reminded of another lost love. Kori is the one that got away, and years later Hunter is unexpectantly thrust back into Kori's life. But it’s not easy moving on when the past still haunts her at every turn. Filled with love, loss, and characters that will steal your heart, this new series will take you into the flames on a ride like never before.

Edizio 1

Solid bones, interesting narrative path

5 izar


Parts I liked:

  • I was surprised how much I enjoyed the parallel narratives
  • The characters start off shallow, but grow noticeably over the story
  • Multiple romances!

But also:

  • It's too short by half, and gets a little jumpy. Even just a half dozen more connective scenes would have really solidified the characters and their relationships.
  • Some of the writing was a little uneven — not awfully so, but noticeable.

I would absolutely read more in this series, or by this author.

Tags: #AfraidToReplaceLostLove #Cheating #ChronicIllnessOrDisability #DualPOV #FamilyIssues #FirstQueerRelationship #HalfUnavailable #NewInTown #RehabRecovery #SecondChance #SmallTown #ThirdPersonPOV


  • Romance
  • Contemporary