8:33, 442 orrialde

English hizkuntza

2023ko urt. 29a(e)an Tantor Audio(e)n argitaratua.

Goodreads-en giltza:
5 izar (berrikuspen 1)

A beautiful, opposites attract lesbian romance about hearing the music in your heart.

Rising star cellist Kate Flynn is new to Chicago and her job at the Windy City Chamber Ensemble. On day one, she is surprised by the board's intriguing president, Vivian Kensington. Not only does the woman come with a formidable reputation, but she's also deaf.

However, between a familiar face Kate isn't ready to see again and the difficulties of being a single mom, she isn't sure Chicago is the right place for her.

When tendrils of friendship develop with Vivian, Kate finds beneath her prickly ice queen persona unexpected kindness and warmth. Is the promise of more enough to make her stay? Can two such different women, one from a world of sound and one a world of silence, truly understand one another?

Edizio 1

Even with the precocious kid, it’s still a good story

5 izar


The 80% drama was avoidable … but forgivable. Similarly, the kid was a little much … but at the same time it was about as realistic a depiction of low-income single parenting as you’re going to see in romance.

Tags: #AttachmentDisorder #BiPanSexualMC #ChronicIllnessOrDisability #FamilyIssues #HardOutsideGooeyInside #MyKidsBeforeMe #MyKidsLoveYou #RichPoor #SingleParent #SinglePOV #ThirdPersonPOV


  • Romance
  • Contemporary