As Far As It Takes

8:40, 287 orrialde

English hizkuntza

2019ko abe. 28a(e)an self(e)n argitaratua.

Goodreads-en giltza:
4 izar (berrikuspen 1)

HOW MANY TIMES CAN YOU FALL AND GET BACK UP? New Zealander Jaime Savage is no stranger to adversity. Her life could have ended with her pro mountain bike career; or during the alcoholic years that ensued… But Jaime got back up. Now, as a gym owner and Life & Fitness Coach, she is a role model for many. When trusting the wrong guy lands her in financial trouble, in steps a woman who is every bit as tough, smart, and talented. A powerful ally who can show her who’s boss is Jaime’s weakness. Falling in line has never been more enjoyable… Falling in love, never easier. But does Jaime’s charismatic lover carry a dark secret? Is she about to suffer her biggest fall, one she won’t recover from? And will the past catch up with everyone… EVENTUALLY?

Edizio 1


4 izar


I enjoyed:

  • Two people cooperating to try to build something bigger
  • Interesting side characters
  • Themes of perseverance

Not my jam:

  • Some of the talk around addiction (and some late-book topics) can come off as ableist and even anti-science. While you could also make the case that the way it’s portrayed shows it is a flawed POV … but there’s also a reverence for independence and “alternatives” that just felt dog-whistle-y to me.
  • Miscommunication
  • The power dynamics stuff, as always, does nothing for me.

Tags: #ChronicIllnessOrDisability #DualPOV #ExpirationDate #InversionOfControl #RehabRecovery #SecretsAndBetrayal #SecretShame #ThirdPersonPOV #Trauma


  • Romance
  • Contemporary