If he had been with me

a novel

300 orrialde

English hizkuntza

2013ko abu. 7a(e)an Sourcebooks Fire(e)n argitaratua.

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Baloraziorik ez (berrikuspen 1)

A love story spanning the history of two teenagers' lives and all the moments when if one little thing had been different, their futures would have been together instead of apart.

6 edizio

(e)k Laura Nowlin(r)en If he had been with me kritika egin du

DNF'ed @ 50%

Baloraziorik ez

My first DNF of the year.

I struggled to connect with this book and its characters. The female lead was incredibly irritating, and everything she did or said grated on my last nerve. The constant "I love yous" felt forced and insincere, appearing to be more for Autumn's benefit than genuine feelings towards Jaime. I just couldn't see the connection between them.

I ended up giving up on this book halfway through. It's amusing because I was initially excited to read it, especially with the companion piece releasing next month. However, now I'm unsure if I'll even bother picking it up.


  • Friendship
  • Fiction
  • Love
  • Love stories