Primal leadership : realizing the power of emotional intelligence

English hizkuntza

2002ko abe. 17a(e)an argitaratua


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4 izar

Primal Leadership is an in-depth look and analysis based on a collection of Harvard Business Review (HBR) articles and books. It's split into 3 parts; the first is incredibly lucid and valuable. The second part repeats many of the same points in the previous, detailing trivial examples that you cannot apply in your own position. It's overly generalized and would make you ask, "Oh, interesting. I see details A, B, and C. But how did they get from C to Z?"

In the first part, the book lays out the foundation for the idea of how Emotionally Intelligent leaders are the best leaders, detailing what makes up the different areas. Some leaders are good at some, but not others. The best leaders have some qualities of all. Emotionally intelligent leaders are consequently high in IQ (usually). EI leaders will drive to create resonance in their organizations, as opposed to dissonance, …