Wendy Carlos

A biography

2020ko ots. 9a(e)an Oxford University Press(e)n argitaratua.


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3 izar (berrikuspen 1)

2 edizio

Review of 'Wendy Carlos' on 'GoodReads'

3 izar

I picked this up from the library in astonishment, and kept reading it compulsively. I am fascinated by Wendy Carlos' music, and frustrated that I can't find more of her music, and more about her beyond 'transgender woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' From the traces in this book of her personality, dug up without her consent or involvement, she seems like a real, genuine electronic artist. She also seems to have committed the usual sin of pioneer artists, e.g. hyperfocusing on the details and inner battlefields of art to the point where everyday life and interactions with others become disconnected and easily brushed off. I wish that this disconnect could have been overcome, and this book tries desperately to do so. It fails in this attempt and I'm sad that it does so, though without the involvement of the subject herself, it's hard to imagine how this book could have succeeded in giving us …