
352 orrialde

English hizkuntza

2021ko aza. 24a(e)an Hachette Children's Group(e)n argitaratua.


OpenLibraryn ikusi

4 izar (berrikuspen 1)

Car headlights. The last thing Ash hears is the snap of breaking glass as the windscreen hits her and shatters into a million pieces like stars. But she made it, she's still here. Or is she?

This New Year's Eve, Ash gets an invitation from the afterlife she can't decline: to join a clan of fierce girl reapers who take the souls of the city's dead to await their fate.

But Ash can't forget her first love, Poppy, and she will do anything to see her again ... even if it means they only get a few more days together. Dead or alive ...

3 edizio

(e)k Tanya Byrne(r)en Afterlove kritika egin du

Review of Afterlove

4 izar

I enjoyed this one. I wanted something with a legitimate sapphic romance in it, and I got that. I liked the main character’s love interest. They were fun to watch together and I liked their personalities. The side characters were also good, though I didn’t really get enough time with any of them. That’s all right. The book is focused very heavily on the main pair and their story. There is a very clear three act structure and the first and third act are by far the strongest, in my opinion, and ends with a satisfying if bittersweet conclusion. It’s not that the second act is actually bad, per se. It’s more that, since I am really big on world building, I could see a lot of the cracks and thinness of some of the supernatural elements. By the time the third act came around, I was able to shrug …