Blade of Dream

Azalik ez

Blade of Dream (2023, Orbit)

English hizkuntza

2023ko ira. 16a(e)an Orbit(e)n argitaratua.


OpenLibraryn ikusi

5 izar (berrikuspen 1)

3 edizio

Review of 'Blade of Dream' on 'Goodreads'

5 izar

I was very excited to win an ebook copy of this in a Goodreads drawing and quickly found I need my epic fantasy in hardback! I could not immerse myself in Kithamar via Kindle. I will no longer enter the ebook drawings for these. Such a waste because I cannot pass it on to someone else. Once I acquired a hardback copy - loved it. Such great world building, I love the slice-of-life we see of these characters, and the familiarity due to the overlapping timeline with [b:Age of Ash|58340712|Age of Ash (Kithamar #1)|Daniel Abraham||90047600] . Now off for a reread of [bc:Age of Ash|58340712|Age of Ash (Kithamar #1)|Daniel Abraham||90047600]