Wild Cards

Aces High volume Two

Azalik ez

George R.R. Martin: Wild Cards (Paperback, 1989, Titan Books)

Azal biguna, 400 orrialde

English hizkuntza

1989ko aza. 2a(e)an Titan Books(e)n argitaratua.

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4 izar (berrikuspen 1)

The alien virus arrived on Earth just after World War II - and the world was never the same. For those who become infected, there are two results: death, or transformation. And depending on the recipient, death is sometimes the preferable outcome. Only a few lucky ones become super-human "aces" as a side effect of the virus; the rest are turned into horrible, grotesque "jokers." It's a strange and wonderful, terrible and terrifying world where anything can go. A world that, in a twist of fate, could lie just outside your door. A world of Wild Cards.

16 edizio

Review of 'Wild Cards, Vol. 1 (The Legendary Series) (The Legendary Series, Volume 1)' on 'Goodreads'

4 izar

G. R. R. Martinena zelakoan, eta berak istorio bakarra idatzi du. Editorea da eta ideia nagusia berea omen da. Oso gustura irakurri dut, noski, batzuk besteak baino gusturago. Kronologikoki ordenatuak, baina haien artean argumentu nagusia izanda besterik ez lotura. Hainbat eleberri dira, bigarrenari behintzat aukera eskainiko diot