The Blood Mirror

Azal gogorra, 682 orrialde

English hizkuntza

2016ko ira. 13a(e)an Orbit(e)n argitaratua.

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4 izar (berrikuspen 1)

"The Seven Satrapies have collapsed into four-and those are falling before the White King's armies. Gavin Guile, ex-emperor, ex-Prism, ex-galley slave, formerly the one man who might have averted war, is now lost, broken, and trapped in a prison crafted by his own hands to hold a great magical genius. But Gavin has no magic at all. Worse, in this prison, Gavin may not be alone. Kip Guile will make a last, desperate attempt to stop the White King's growing horde. Karris White attempts to knit together an empire falling apart, helped only by her murderous and possibly treasonous father-in-law Andross Guile. Meanwhile, Teia's new talents will find a darker use-and the cost might be too much to bear. Together, they will fight to prevent a tainted empire from becoming something even worse."

7 edizio

(e)k Brent Weeks(r)en The Blood Mirror liburuaren kritika egin du (Lightbringer Series #4)

Needs More Gavin

4 izar

The Blood Mirror had to meet some lofty expectations, as The Broken Eye ended on a combination of climaxes, cliffhangers, and revelations that is the author's signature. Brent Weeks knows how to whip up the fans into a froth, and I tore into the fourth novel expecting sheer brilliance. This is tough to pull off. I want a novel that ramps up slowly, but simultaneously coming off a thrilling conclusion, I want the book to keep going at the blistering pace of a third act.

I think The Blood Mirror is a success there. There are plenty of scenes that are the calm before the storm, but they're still tense and full of energy. And the novel lands some of the biggest surprises of the series so far, and that's really saying something.

My biggest gripe is that Kip is the star instead of Gavin Guile. This confuses even the …


  • Imaginary wars and battles
  • Fiction
  • Magic
  • Fathers and sons
  • Emperors