La Hija Del Curandero / the Bonesetter's Daughter

Azalik ez

Amy Tan: La Hija Del Curandero / the Bonesetter's Daughter (Paperback, Spanish language, 2002, Distribooks)

Azal biguna

Spanish hizkuntza

2002ko urt. 8a(e)an Distribooks(e)n argitaratua.

ISBN-a kopiatu!

OpenLibraryn ikusi

3 izar (berrikuspen 1)

LuLing Young is in her eighties, and finally beginning to feel the effects of old age. Trying to hold on to the evaporating past, she begins to write down all that she can remember of her life as a girl in China. Meanwhile, her daughter Ruth, a ghostwriter for authors of self-help books, is losing the ability to speak up for herself in front of the man she lives with. LuLing can only look on, helpless: her prickly relationship with her daughter does not make it easy to discuss such matters. In turn, Ruth has begun to suspect that something is wrong with her mother: she says so many confusing and contradictory things. Ruth decides to move in with her ailing mother, and while tending to her discovers the story LuLing wrote in Chinese, of her tumultuous life growing up in a remote mountain village known as Immortal Heart. LuLing …

27 edizio

Belaunaldixen arteko ehuna

3 izar

Fiña, atsegiña, pozgarrixa. Nahiz eta bestsellerren erara idatzitta egon (etxera etortzeko desiatzen, liburua irakortziarren!), nahiz eta AEBetako entretenimendu industrixan txertatuta egon (autoparodia pixkatekin, eta happy endetan jauzi barik), nahiz eta historixian ardatza emakumien arteko harremanak izan (ni be pixkat andratxua nok), originaltasun haundiko liburua begittandu jatak, eta esango najeukek kultura txinatarran eragiñez dala hori. Asko jaukagu deskubritzeko hor.


  • Untranslated Fiction - Spanish
  • Fiction
  • Fiction - General
  • Spanish: Adult Fiction