How to Resist Amazon and Why

The Fight for Local Economics, Data Privacy, Fair Labor, Independent Bookstores, and a People-Powered Future!

English hizkuntza

2021ko abe. 23a(e)an Microcosm Publishing(e)n argitaratua.


OpenLibraryn ikusi

Baloraziorik ez (berrikuspen 1)

4 edizio

Review of 'How to Resist Amazon and Why' on 'Goodreads'

Baloraziorik ez

Simultaneously surprised and not surprised while reading this. It's hard not to notice how all-encompassing this corporation can be (he types on one of their websites), but this was a succinct argument and look at exactly what's so bad about that. Also, as someone who reads a lot of physical books and almost exclusively buys everything from local small bookshops, I did not realize that Amazon alone accounts for roughly half of all books sold in the US, and small businesses are only between 6-8% of the pie.

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